Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Join me for Blend on thursday Dec 31
Sunday, December 27, 2009
join me today for yoga
Join me as we open and receive through the nourishment of this wonderful class!
Monday, December 21, 2009
more wise words from my teacher Pema
Whatever arises, train again and again in seeing it for what it is. The innermost essence of mind is without bias. Things arise and things dissolve forever and ever. Whatever happens, we can look at it with a nonjudgmental attitude. This is the primary method for working with painful situations.
2. Using poison as medicine
When suffering arises, we breathe it in for everybody. This poison is not just our personal misfortune. It's our kinship with all living things, the seed of compassion and openness. Instead of pushing it away or running from it, we breathe in and connect with it fully. We do this with the wish that all of us could be free of suffering.
3. Regarding whatever arises as awakened energy
This reverses our habitual pattern of trying to avoid conflict, trying to smooth things out, trying to prove that pain is a mistake that would not exist in our lives if only we did the right things. This view encourages us to look at the charnel ground of our lives as the working basis for attaining enlightenment.
Excerpted from Three Methods for Working with Uncertainty, Pema Chödrön, Shambhala Sun, March 1997
Sunday, December 20, 2009
yoga Teaching schedule
Please join me...
Monday Dec 21 at Soul of Yoga
9:00 am subbing for Monique
all levels welcome
Monday Dec 21 at Yoga Vista
6:00 pm my regular class
Winter Solstice practice
all levels welcome
Tuesday Dec 22 at Soul of Yoga
5:30 pm subbing for Monique
all levels welcome
Thursday Dec 24 and 31 at Soul of Yoga
5:30 pm my regular class
canceled due to holiday schedule
Join me Tues Dec 22 as I sub for Monique
Saturday Dec 26 at Soul of Yoga
9:00 am subbing for Tom
All levels welcome
Sunday Dec 27 at Yoga Vista
4:30 pm subbing
Friday Jan 29 at Yoga Oceanside (NEW)
5:30pm Community class rotation/donation
all levels welcome
Regular class schedule for Yoga
Monday 6pm at Yoga Vista
Thursday 5:30 pm at Soul of Yoga (will resume Jan 7)
Friday, December 4, 2009
more love from Pema
I was doing an interview with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche recently, and I asked him the question: "Rinpoche, you have been living in the west for some time now, and you know western people well. What do you think is the most important advise you could give to a western dharma practitioner?"
And he said "I think the most important thing that western dharma practitioners need to understand is guiltlessness."
I said "guiltlessness?"
He said "Yes. You have to understand that even though you make a lot of mistakes and you mess up in all kinds of ways, all of that is impermanent and shifting and changing and temporary. But fundamentally, your mind and heart are not guilty. They are innocent."
So guiltlessness is very important in the subject of dissolving or burning up the seeds of aggression in our own hearts and our own minds.
Most of the striking out at other people, for us in this culture, comes from feeling bad about ourselves. It makes us so wretched and so uncomfortable that it sets off the chain reaction of trying to get away from that feeling. It's some very very habitual thing that happens.
If you got hooked, and then someone was to give you four seconds, or a minute, and then tap you on the shoulder and ask you what that feels like, it feels really bad, it feels like "bad me" and the aggression is turned against yourself.
Maybe if you waited four minutes and tapped them on the shoulder, what it feels like is - they are really wrong, and they did this to me, and its their fault that I'm in this situation.
But somehow, if at that moment, you were to pause, and start breathing and let the whole thing unwind and unravel, and hang out in the impermanent yet ineffable space - if you were to do that you might realize that all of this blaming of other people, when you went into it deeper, you would see that the seed of it was really some deep discomfort and aggression about yourself.
And if you went more deeply into that, you would probably find sadness.
And I quote this so much, this Poem of Rick Fields, where he said:
Behind the hardness there is fear
And if you touch the heart of the fear
You find sadness (it sort of gets more and more tender)
And if you touch the sadness
You find the vast blue sky
This is really what I am encouraging is the next time you feel yourself hooked, if you pause and you breath with it, and you don't act out and you don't repress, but you think of this quote, and you think the ones that will create the new culture that is needed are those that are not afraid to be insecure.
Whatever it is that you think at that moment, maybe this is what it feels like to be burning up the seeds that have caused all the pain on this earth - this is what that feels like.
I always feel that somehow you have to reframe that bad feeling - so that you see it as a doorway to liberation, as an opening to the vast blue sky.
A teaching by Pema Chödrön
excerpted from a talk entitled "Practicing Peace in Times of War"
published by Shambhala Publications
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My husband shared this beautiful writing with me...I don't know who the author is ...I would like to take credit for such wonderful writing but this's not me...thank you for the compliments.
With the sky full of birds migrating for the winter and the fields turning empty, the cycle of existence has become more obvious. An inevitable cycle, even in its variations, in which one both participates and is a witness; human nature woven of nature's weave; seasons echoing human growth and maturity; the crescendo of a life echoed in the glow and fade of a single day. Aware of this transition into winter, one is both affected and separate from it. When nature goes underground, leaving everything that was once flourishing to decline, it is the signal to go inward, to leave the world behind. Yet this is not so easy to do. Why leave a flourishing garden for a cold, unknown darkness?
Witnessing this cycle where life-form so quickly lose their shape and die, one sees its principle, the process of transformation from the visible into the invisible. Other forms of transformation are all around us. A caterpillar turns into a butterfly, a transformation so total that there seems to be no relationship at all between the caterpillar and its new, airborne incarnation. Day turns to night, a cycle so radical that one only accepts it because it has happened everyday for as long as one can remember. And in the internal cycle of sleep to consciousness, imagination to presence, a transformation occurs that is equally great; the puppet becomes a real boy, the statue comes to life, the dead resurrect.
So the dull state of sleep then is part of a process yet not the result, necessary yet not acceptable, the winter before the spring. The approaching winter is a symbol of real inner change, the psychological transformation of sleep into consciousness. In the process of awakening, sleep remains unaltered, the skin of a former existence, a component in the cycle of life and death. It is from the inert material of sleep that the conscious Self emerges.
Zhu Duan, Solitary fisherman on a wintry river.
Friday, November 27, 2009
thank you for a heart filled yoga class at soul of yoga
I had an opportunity to sub for Nicole...I was surrounded by the beautiful energy of Nicole's students and mine joining together to send love out to all beings through our practice...
Over 20 students joined together to express our heart's... our love... our compassion...
Thank YOU!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
teaching yoga tomorrow friday at 9:30 am
Soul of yoga is closed today to celebrate Thanksgiving with family....I usually teach on Thursday nights ...
Happily...I was asked to sub on Friday morning...the day after before you go shopping or after...please join me
"Just Yoga" previously called InnerHouse Yoga...still's just yoga hee hee keeping it simple and vibrant and REAL...
Please join me at 9:30 am at The Soul of Yoga in Encinitas!!!
See you tomorrow!!!
Wise words from my teacher Pema...
One of the most helpful methods I've found is the practice of compassionate abiding. This is a way of bringing warmth to unwanted feelings. It is a direct method of embracing our experience rather than rejecting it. So the next time you realize that you're hooked, you could experiment with this approach.
Contacting the experience of being hooked you breath in, allowing the feeling completely and opening to it. The in-breath can be deep and relaxed - anything that helps you to let the feeling be there, anything that helps you not to push it away. Then still abiding with the urge and edginess of feelings such as craving or aggression, as you breath out you relax and give the feeling space. The out-breathe is not a way of sending the discomfort away but of ventilating it, or loosening the tension around it, of becoming aware of the space in which the discomfort is occurring.
The practice helps us to develop maitri because we willingly touch the parts of ourselves that we are not proud of [maitri is defined previously as "unconditional friendliness towards oneself"]. We touch feelings we think we shouldn't be having - feelings of failure, of shame, of murderous rage, all those politically incorrect feelings like racial prejudice, disdain we feel for people we consider ugly or inferior, sexual addictions and phobias. We contact whatever we are experiencing and go beyond liking or disliking by breathing in and opening. Then we breathe out and relax. We continue for a few moments, or as long as we wish, synchronizing it with the breath. This process has a leaning-in quality. Breathing in and leaning in are very much the same. We touch the experience, feeling it in the body if that helps, and we breathe it in.
In the process of doing this, we are transmuting hard, reactive, rejecting energy into basic warmth and openness. It sounds dramatic, but really it is very simple and direct. All we are doing is breathing in and experiencing what's happening, then breathing out as we continue to experience what's happening. It's a way of working with our negativity that appreciates that the negative energy per se is not the problem. Confusion only begins when we can't abide with the intensity of the energy and therefore spin off. Staying present with our own energy allows it to keep flowing and move on. Abiding with our own energy is the ultimate non-aggression, the ultimate maitri.
Excerpted from the chapter "Unlimited Friendliness" in a new book "Taking The Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears", © Shambhala Publications 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
training continues...
I have returned to my work schedule...and I feel great!!! Still recovering for 6 more weeks physically....however....ready to step into my life deeper...more vibrant...more present than I have ever been before!!!
Join me as our paths unfold...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thursday is so exciting ....
see you on Thurs 11/19 at 9:15 am at private residence for class!!!
Yoga students reminder!
Back to teaching at Soul of Yoga 11/19 at 5:30 pm
see you on the mat!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
teaching yoga this thursday and more!
Please join me as I return to my regular schedule of teaching...
Thursday November 19th at Soul of Yoga 5:30 pm
Monday November 23 at Yoga Vista 6:00 pm
also subbing on
Friday the 27th at Soul of Yoga at 9:30 am
Soul of Yoga is closed on Thanksgiving Day
(please join me to honor what we are truly thankful for)
Summer Autio
Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free”
760-798-1563/business voice mail
760-707-7610/cell phone/best for messages
Sunday, November 15, 2009
returning to work
Although I'm still recovering from surgery...I have turned a great corner towards a clearer head and stronger body...allowing me to return to a modified schedule this first week...please join me for your private sessions starting Monday and for classes starting again this thursday...see scroll bar to the right for details...
Have a beautiful sunday!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
a bit stronger...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
still recovering...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I'm HOME ....barely...
I'm home...barely..feeling a lot of pain but happy to be alive and CANCER FREE!!!!!
Yes....cancer free...Dr. Bahador went in to correct the bowel obstruction and was prepared to .... and cancer at all!!!
I will write more later....not able to sit here too long...thanks for your love and your well wishes and your wonderful energy!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
surgery on friday...
I was admitted to the hospital a second time within the month due to a bowel obstruction. Several medical tests have been run and there is still a mystery as to what is causing the bowel obstruction. I now require surgery and will have a big surgery with a full frontal incision as 3 years ago and a very challenging recovery. Although, challenging for me has always had a very different definition.
My surgery will be at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla ( off Genesee) at 4:30 pm. It may take approximately 3 hours with a 2 hour recovery and then back to my room. I'm in room 428. Please do not plan to visit (unless we have already talked) for at least 4 days as it will take some time for me to come off the drugs ect. I may be in the hospital for 7 days.
As before...I was able to teach and train clients verbally after 3 weeks... although, the full recovery takes 6 weeks plus. Plan to see me back to teaching the third week of November unless I'm just not ready. I will be in touch once I'm able to use the computer again. A friend has lent me his laptop that is compatible with the hospital's internet server. My own laptop runs Vista and it was not compatible.
Many friends have asked how they can help and or what they can do or if they can come to the surgery ect. I welcome your presence in person or from a distance. What ever and where ever you feel you can connect to me and me to you the best. I love you and all that I ask is that you connect to me in a place of love not fear. I don't do as well when friends feel angry or fearful for me. I have moments of fear...moments of what the f..k ...but I come right back into the place of love and healing and peace. It is very useful for you to do the same. Hold me in the brightest light and know that whatever I'm given just brings me closer to understanding the depth of love ...I have felt the most peace I've ever experienced in my lifetime! I don't want these challenges but they are happening anyway...even with my incredible tools of awesome health most of the time...wonderful incredible diet and a lifestyle that brings me happiness and vitality. And yet I still get the C word and more. I could become bitter and angry or I can allow and move gracefully through it.
I am honored to be your teacher...I am honored to be your friend...I am honored to also be your student in this wonderful school of life. The mysteries continue but so does the LOVE!
I am stronger with your support...I am so blessed to be supported and loved by you! May we all continue to share life's experiences no matter how they appear.
Feel free to email me at or text my cell phone 760-707-7610. DO NOT CALL hospital room.
Monday, October 26, 2009
heading back to the hospital
Please send healing love my way...based on my current Dr. has told me to go to the Emergency room now...I have access to all emails through my blackberry...
my email is:
I'll be at Scripps Memorial La Jolla
Please don't call hospital or room
only call my cell 760-707-7610
Love to you,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ovarian Cancer Research
Ovarian Cancer Action Network
powered by Capitol Advantage ©2009 |
yoga tonight
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
sending love and healing to my friend Mary
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
subbing this Friday at Yoga Vista...
In addition to my regular yoga schedule...(look to side panel for Yoga Schedule),
I'm subbing this week...
Yoga Vista
October 16
Please join me!!!
reiki sessions now available
Dear Friends, What is Reiki?Now offering Reiki sessions for you...your friends...your family! Beautiful NEW treatment room! Not familiar with Reiki..please read the many benefits and take advantage of the specials offered for 2009! Looking forward to sharing Reiki with you! Reiki is a gentle, yet a powerfully heart centered energy healing method that is similar to healing hands. The hands can be placed at a distance over the body in a sequence unique to Reiki or/and a gentle touch during that sequence may occur. This is not a massage. Reiki is defined as "Universal Life Force" originating from Japan as an ancient Tibetan healing technique. " Ki " "Chi" "Qi" " Prana" " Light" are all examples of names used to describe the non-physical energy that animates all things. Ki flows through everything that is alive...plants, animals and humans. Energy medicine practitioners believe that the human energy field contains and reflects each individual's energy. This energy is created by our internal and external experiences. The Chinese place great importance on "Chi". "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine" lists over 32 kinds of Chi which is over 4000 years old. Ki is used in many different martial artists...pranayama meditation practices...shamans and healers of all cultures. Ki is simply our life force. Healing can occur on many levels:
All healers use Ki but not all healers use Reiki. A Reiki practitioner must be attuned to it by a Reiki Master . The Reiki practitioner does not do the healing. A higher intelligent consciousness is channeled to the person or self. This consciousness is sometimes referred to God/Consciousness or enlightened being. There are many to choose from: Jesus...Mother Mary...Christian Archangels...Moses...Mohammed. Krishna...Vishnu...Shiva... Bodhisattvas...St. Germain and many others. As the Dali Lama suggested in his recent visit to Long is important to connect to what is helpful for you. Although, Reiki is not a religion, if you are a religious is most helpful to connect deeply to your religion during a session. If you are not religious or spiritual then set an intention for the Reiki energy to be with you and relax and let love deepen your intention. Connect to love with all intentions and inspirations! Reiki Energy:
Our Prices: SPECIALS $150 3 session package ($50 per session) Great for holiday gifts ...unlimited purchases $65 per single session (introductory rate for 2009) general prices for reiki have a wide range from $65 to thousands of dollars...I have seen a normal average of $85-100 per session cell phone: 760-707-7610 email: See you soon, Summer |
Monday, October 12, 2009
back home
Thursday, October 8, 2009
on my way to the hospital
I've had cramping for 2 weeks and it was bizzare but not I have pain and nausea ...I just talked to my doctor and it's most likely a blocked bowel...they say I'll be admitted...not sure how long...I have my blackberry with me...Wow...
I can't seem to write on my blog from my'll be in touch when I can...
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dear Friends,
With a wonderful change of seasons... we are now moving into favorite season. The coolness of the air...the crisp and sunny days. The beautiful clouds and rainbows that have been more than amazing lately! I am grateful for each moment I can experience all the textures that life presents to us!
As you all know...I just completed my last chemotherapy for recurrence of Ovarian Cancer. I have just had a few tests to check on my status and all of them show cancer free. I have
learned to accept what comes my way. Cancer has a way of pressing your face up to the glass forcing the view of impermanence to be felt at a level and depth I would not have understood before! I am left navigating my emotions of fear...
anger and sadness with happiness... joy and peace. It feels like being in a row boat at rough seas and not knowing if you'll ever return to shore. Facing death...the ultimate impermanence ...the mysteries of the unknown that make us so uncomfortable...and yet it's still happening. It requires a surrender like none other...
not giving in to ...just not resisting everything that feels dark and difficult. I have cried the deepest cries and have also felt the most peaceful and happiest moments of my life.
Much has happened in the past few months!
July 31st was the last chemo...I moved my entire house ...two businesses and a storage unit in mid August! We have moved into a wonderful house only two miles up the hill from where we were living in San Elijo Hills. I have completed Two Levels of Reiki Training...I have integrated more Qigong back into my life with both energetic and physical practices. I have been hiking the wonderful trails in my neighborhood. Almost daily I hike 75min- 3 hours while listening to my books on tape. Usually it's the wisdom of Pema Chodron who joins me on my hikes. I also have enjoyed Dr. Wayne Dyer...Dr. Bruce Lipton ...Qigong Mantras and more!
Two weeks ago my friend Teri took me to see The Dali Lama in Long Beach. She planned this trip for me to receive the Medicine Buddha Blessing. In fact, the tickets were requested in April when I started chemotherapy again. At the end of the therapy I received the blessing from Dali Lama. It was an experience I will never
forget. I received love and healing that transcends a human experience. He is an amazing humanitarian full of love and humbleness all wrapped up in child like humor!
I also became a reverend...non-denominational and yes..I can marry you if you so desire and I can offer Reiki sessions in my new beautiful space. The treatment room is complete and offers a peaceful place to rejuvenate from the normal to extreme stresses of life.
My yoga and pilates space is also complete and beautiful. I have been back to work full time since the end of my treatment. Even with the treatment I was able to work 2 weeks per month. If you have been thinking about learning about yoga ... pilates ... qigong
or is the time!
Many thanks and appreciation for so many who cooked for me...who gave me rides to appointments...who held fund raisers for me...who organized food and financial assistance for me..who lent me a healing Teddy Bear ...who blessed me with special gifts of healing love...the calls...visits and support that I can't put into words...prayers...meditations... I will never forget your love. The generosity and support from the Teachers and Owners of Yoga Vista and Soul of Yoga and the ongoing deep love sent from Bliss Yoga. The generosity and healing juice from Fountain of Youth Juice and the ongoing donations that provided financial support for me to have great nutrition! I can't begin to thank all of you by name for there are too many who made a difference in my healing and my energy!
May we all connect to love for ourselves ...our loved ones...strangers on the street and for those who challenge us. May this love give us strength when life presents challenges that bring us to our knees with confusion and groundless fear. May we find our stability through our own personal inspiration of whatever connects us deep to our source. The Dali Lama says that kindness is his religion. May all of our spiritual inspirations be fueled by love and compassion!
Come and visit me for Yoga ... Blend in a group class or view the many options from what my menu now provides! I look forward to sharing with you!
Much love to all
Yoga Schedule Mondays 6:00 pm Yoga Vista Vista, California Thursdays 5:30 pm Soul of Yoga Encinitas, California Website schedule page/directions |
Blend Schedule Blend is a group class that combines pilates mat with yoga asana...qigong ... meditation ... breathing techniques and more! This class uses small weighted balls, resistance bands , tubing and other accessories to enhance your inner and outer fitness! Currently this class is held at a private residence in Encinitas providing a private intimate setting nestled by the sounds of water, nature and wonderful music! Tuesday/Thursday 9:15 am Per Month/pre-paid $135-150 (depends on how many classes in a month) $15 per class Once per week tuesday or thursday/pre-paid $65-85 (depends on how many tuesdays or how many thursdays per month) $17 per class Drop in $20 must reserve each time /space permitting 760-707-7610 October registration is full Please contact me to be placed on a wait list for future classes
Reiki Sessions now offered What is Reiki? Reiki is a gentle, yet a powerfully heart centered energy healing method that is similar to healing hands. The hands can be placed at a distance over the body in a sequence unique to Reiki or/and a gentle touch during that sequence may occur. This is not a massage. Reiki is defined as "Universal Life Force" originating from Japan as an ancient Tibetan healing technique. " Ki " "Chi" "Qi" " Prana" " Light" are all examples of names used to describe the non-physical energy that animates all things. Ki flows through everything that is alive...plants, animals and humans. Energy medicine practitioners believe that the human energy field contains and reflects each individual's energy. This energy is created by our internal and external experiences. The Chinese place great importance on "Chi". "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine" lists over 32 kinds of Chi which is over 4000 years old. Ki is used in many different martial artists...pranayama meditation practices...shamans and healers of all cultures. Qigong practices also embrace this awareness of energy to organize the ki field and promote healing by directing the mind and more. Ki is simply our life force. Healing can occur on many levels:
All healers use Ki but not all healers use Reiki. A Reiki practitioner must be attuned to it by a Reiki Master . The Reiki practitioner does not do the healing. A higher intelligent consciousness is channeled to the person or self. This consciousness is sometimes referred to God/Consciousness or enlightened being. There are many to choose from: Jesus...Mother Mary...Christian Archangels...Moses...Mohammed... Krishna...Vishnu...Shiva...Buddha... Bodhisattvas...St. Germain and many others. As the Dali Lama suggested in his recent visit to Long is important to connect to what is helpful for you. Although, Reiki is not a religion, if you are a religious is most helpful to connect deeply to your religion during a session. If you are not religious or spiritual then set an intention for the Reiki energy to be with you and relax and let love deepen your intention. Connect to love with all intentions and inspirations! Reiki Energy:
Our Price: SPECIALS $150 3 session package ($50 per session) Great for holiday gifts ...unlimited purchases $65 per single session (introductory rate for 2009) general prices for reiki have a wide range from $65 to thousands of dollars...I have seen a normal average of $85-100 per session |
Zhineng Medical Qigong I have been practicing Zhineng Qigong for over 3 years and other forms of Qigong longer. I have and continue to integrate Qigong in all of my classes and personal practices. By January 2010, I will be teaching Qigong classes in addition to yoga and the other offerings currently provided by The InnerHouse. Please support my teachers and learn how to integrate Qigong into your life for you and your loved ones! Fay McGrew Fay's website Martha Blane Martha's website Jane Jin Jane's Website Mingtong Gu Mingtong's website |
Please visit...
My nephew graduated from Marine Boot Camp on Friday

Friday, October 2, nephew Brian Smull....graduated from Marine Boot Camp. I was able to attend the graduation downtown and to see some of my family members whom I rarely get to see!! My sister and her husband and my nephew flew out from niece...her husband and her new baby Liam drove down from Sacramento/Lincoln area ...other family members attended and it was fantastic.
I was able to hold Liam for hours...My new nephew!
Love to you Brian!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
peeling layers
Thursday, October 1, 2009
surgery delayed
Oh well...patience.
In the meantime, I'll continue to get stronger and it will happen at the right time!
I'm looking forward to feeling the full yoga asana practice again in my body without worrying about the port. The port in the chest will remain for a while.
Have a wonderful day ...if you're around tonight and can join me for yoga at the Soul of yoga...I teach at 5:30 pm Thursday nights ongoing..
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Please send love or more!!!!
Blood Letter From Monastics of Lam Dong Province
Ven.Thich Quang Duc's immolation during the '63 Uprising
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Namo Sakyamuni Buddhaya
With respect to all our patriarchs and ancestors,
We come before you on behalf of hundreds of young monks and nuns who are studying and practicing Buddhism in the province of Lam Dong. We also represent thousands of lay Buddhist practitioners who are ready to follow our deep call for help. This letter is written with our own blood.
Over many months, the young monks and nuns residing in Bat Nha Monastery have been continually harassed by powerful groups from outside. Meanwhile, inside the temple, the monks and nuns have been forced to live without electricity and without running water. The situation has become even more stressful as they have had to face psychological and physical violence every day. We, from outside, didn’t know the true source of the problem, and that is why we remained silent until now. We are young monks and nuns from Lam Dong Province; we have good education, we have right understanding, and we have solidarity, compassion and love for all of our brothers and sisters in the spirit of our Buddhist monastic code. We are not gullible, impulsive, or easily carried away by any situation. We also do not want to interfere with the politics nor the national security nor matters of sensitivity to the government. However, facing all the incidents that happened at Bat Nha monastery on the 26, 27, and 28 of September 2009, we learned that the young monastics there have been attacked by violent mobs seeking to evict them out of the monastery. These young innocent monastics have been forced out of their home in heavy rain and storms without raincoats, food or shelter. They have been insulted and beaten, and subjected to the most terribly obscene acts. All these things happened right before the very eyes of the policemen and local authorities. Therefore, this is not just the “internal problem” of Bat Nha monastery; these acts clearly have been orchestrated by the government. Having seen our Dharma brothers and sisters violently terrorized, attacked, and brutally dragged out of their temple, we cannot just pretend that nothing is happening. The bond between us as monastic brothers and sisters is sacred and indestructible. We cannot just sit here witnessing our monastic brothers and sisters being oppressed like that, so we write this letter with our own blood to request that all levels of government do the following:
- If this is an internal issue of the Buddhist organization, then please let the Buddhist organization resolve the matter.
- Bring a complete stop to all forms of aggression and hostility against the monks and nuns practicing in the Plum Village tradition (who are now taking refuge in Phuoc Hue temple).
- Let the 400 monks and nuns continue to practice their monastic code of precepts, within the protection of the Venerable monks and nuns in the province.
- Stop all acts of force, threat, obstruction and pressure against the monastics from outside forces.
This letter is written with our own blood, uniquely motivated by the love we share as fellow monastics on the same path. We are nonpartisan; we have absolutely no political agenda. If this request is ignored, it will be a great shame before all our spiritual ancestors. Therefore, if the government continues any of these kinds of pressure as it has been doing, we inform you in advance that we are ready to give our lives for the sake of our monastic brotherhood and sisterhood; and the outcome will be unpredictable.
May all the Great Bodhisattvas be our witness.
Lam Dong, September, 30.2009
In the name of all the young monks and nuns of Lam Dong province,
Together signed,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Pet Scan Clear and so blessed by his Holiness
CLEAR and free of disEASE...
I truly cried with JOY!!!
I received several blessings this weekend and I'm not able to share quite yet as I'm full of EMOTION and just sitting with the feelings that FILLED me up Friday and Saturday...
I went there with little expectations and I came home with more than I could have imagined!!!
I will be scheduling surgery for the belly port to be removed very soon...I'll keep in touch!
Much love to all!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
biopsy news and the Dali Lama of the biopsies came back another biopsy and we'll go from there...precursor to Melanoma...not melanoma yet...that's good news!!!
Pet scan was yesterday...waiting for great news in a few days....
And off to see the Dali Lama tomorrow morning bright and early with my friend Teri....Friday and Saturday ...overnight and quick...must go pack and go to bed and up by 3 am...WOW!!!
Much love to all...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
ready for what life brings me...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
reviewing anatomy and appreciation for...
Thank you Justine for your passion...your gifts and your honesty! I will always be grateful! I look forward to our future sessions where we can share our love for anatomy and yoga!
I also feel body heart and my mind are open ...I feel so happy deep inside and appreciative of every moment I can feel this life ...
Today I am more confident and willing to share my gifts as well...something that has challenged me from the time I began this career...and now...feeling ready to share and to love and to receive!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
FEELING GOOD and loving my new space!
I have been feeling more and more connected to my new space...feeling the energy of my home for me personally and very excited about the energy that is now offered as my new work space...hard wood floors...wonderful light coming in from the amazing windows and style of the home...this business space provides me the continuation of the wonderful clients/friends whom have been with me for years and I also have the option of welcoming more clients to my schedule!
The InnerHouse offers Pilates reformer...pilates ...qigong...Reiki ...meditation ...strength and endurance movements that uses small weighted weights...tubing ...ect...or you can customize your own combination of all the above or just one preference.
Please contact me at or call me on my cell at any time
Have a wonderful week!
I look forward to connecting in whatever way brings us closer...
Monday, September 7, 2009
My friend's 25th wedding anniversary...oops...then remembered that my husband and I forgot our 15th... August we quietly celebrated last night...celebrating our new home and our new life together...
Waiting to celebrate Susan's birthday...Daniele's birthday and Diana's birthday...Whew!
Still celebrating cancer free and every moment that brings me great health and abundance!!!
I'll also be celebrating a full workday today with clients and to continue to work in the house unpacking and organizing!!!!
So happy and so grateful!
Love to all,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Blood work is excellent!!!
Ca-125 was 11 at the lowest during treatment and it's still 11!!!!!
I'm so happy I could cry from pure joy!!!!
I am HEALED ....I am WELL!!!!
Love to all,
Blog Archive
- transformation
- thank you for a heart filled yoga class at soul of...
- teaching yoga tomorrow friday at 9:30 am
- Wise words from my teacher Pema...
- training continues...
- Thursday is so exciting ....
- teaching yoga this thursday and more!
- returning to work
- a bit stronger...
- still recovering...
- I'm HOME ....barely...
- I"m home
- I"m home
- I"m home
- surgery on friday...
- heading back to the hospital
- Ovarian Cancer Research
- yoga tonight
- sending love and healing to my friend Mary
- subbing this Friday at Yoga Vista...
- reiki sessions now available
- back home
- on my way to the hospital
- Newsletter
- My nephew graduated from Marine Boot Camp on Friday
- peeling layers
- surgery delayed