Thursday, April 29, 2010
day 18 at Optimum Health
A wonderful and relaxing day ...moving from juicing to meals again ...ate a great dinner...loving the weight is stable now...whew...have a restful and peaceful evening...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 17 at Optimum Health
What a great day! So many wonderful birthday messages...I spent a very simple day with my son in Ocean Beach walking around the farmers market ...talking and enjoying the change from North County to Ocean Beach to downtown etc. I used to live in P.B and O.B and then North feels familier and yet so different...what a lovely day...
I've lost more weight so now Optimum Health is having me eat a few more calories without going off my plan...I've now lost 15 lbs...the good thing is I feel great and if I just built muscle again I think I would gain a few from that and then feel even better...I used to weigh about what I weigh now in college and when I was a runner... then I started to add weight lifting to my program and I slowly gained it feels like I'm returning to my real body size...I feel great...
Mary is at her home again with hospice assisting her and her wonderful family and friends surrounding her..she is happy.
Love to everyone and thanks again for the wonderful birthday feels so good to feel so loved.
I've lost more weight so now Optimum Health is having me eat a few more calories without going off my plan...I've now lost 15 lbs...the good thing is I feel great and if I just built muscle again I think I would gain a few from that and then feel even better...I used to weigh about what I weigh now in college and when I was a runner... then I started to add weight lifting to my program and I slowly gained it feels like I'm returning to my real body size...I feel great...
Mary is at her home again with hospice assisting her and her wonderful family and friends surrounding her..she is happy.
Love to everyone and thanks again for the wonderful birthday feels so good to feel so loved.
An inspirational story about life 04/27/health/27case.html?emc= eta1
Please click on the above link to a story about living with cancer and or surviving cancer against all odds...all is possible...a great reminder and a wonderful birthday gift to wake up to...thank you can be inspired no matter what life brings you...we are all challenged in some doesn't have to be an obvious can be the negative mind chatter that spirals us downward...may we all find ways to heal ...our hearts...our past and future mistakes...our negative patterns...may we release and dissolve into the space that can heal us...Have a beatiful day!
Please click on the above link to a story about living with cancer and or surviving cancer against all odds...all is possible...a great reminder and a wonderful birthday gift to wake up to...thank you can be inspired no matter what life brings you...we are all challenged in some doesn't have to be an obvious can be the negative mind chatter that spirals us downward...may we all find ways to heal ...our hearts...our past and future mistakes...our negative patterns...may we release and dissolve into the space that can heal us...Have a beatiful day!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 16 at Optimum Health
I woke up more fatigued this morning so I took my time morning exercise...just took my time with all of the other things that one does here at energy returned and I had my juice...took juice with me and headed home for laundry and Qigong...I feel great...I juiced all day and then a small meal tonight...I feel so much better...ready to go to bed earlier tonight...My birthday is feels so random...I'm going to quietly celebrate...have a great sleep and a wonderful wednesday...Love to all...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 15 at Optimum Health
Monday I woke up to my new room...I moved upstairs last night and what a difference...uplifing and bright and happy and I can do yoga and qigong with enough room wonderful!
Very relaxed and calm day...I will be staying here an extra week...that was the original plan and then I thought it would be too much and now I realize that it's exactly what I a full month on this discipline food regimine and then on to the next wonderful adventure...My body is loving this food and this way of life......
Some of you have asked me if I'm going to attend the yoga vista benefit day and it turns out that I have my masters level reiki training this weekend has been planned for months and I can't change it...however...if I'm not too tired...I may come and visit in the early evening...around 5ish and say hi and share some love...thank you to all who will be going and to all who are there in spirit is incredible to feel this support...
Have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you soon,
Very relaxed and calm day...I will be staying here an extra week...that was the original plan and then I thought it would be too much and now I realize that it's exactly what I a full month on this discipline food regimine and then on to the next wonderful adventure...My body is loving this food and this way of life......
Some of you have asked me if I'm going to attend the yoga vista benefit day and it turns out that I have my masters level reiki training this weekend has been planned for months and I can't change it...however...if I'm not too tired...I may come and visit in the early evening...around 5ish and say hi and share some love...thank you to all who will be going and to all who are there in spirit is incredible to feel this support...
Have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you soon,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
day 14 at Optimum Health

Then I was supposed to see my son but the timing was off'm preparing to continue the eating plan at home I went to the container store and purchased some glass jars and such to aid me in the process...I rarely go down there...or over there's amazing ....I'm so excited about glass jars...hee hee...this is what happens on a lot of wheat grass juice...
I feel great...inspired by the love and support that I feel in the community...I don't quite know what to say...everyone should feel what I feel right now and the world would be healed!
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day...Love to you're in my heart every moment...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 13 at Optimum Health
I had a wonderful day today...Saturdays are very relaxed here...I stayed up so late last night full of energy that I needed some extra time this morning...took my time with everything...meditation...enemas....walking...eating...relaxing...and then I ran some needed errands and connected with my husband and ran into a few friends...heard some wonderful music ...unexpected...and just felt great ...loved...supported...and very happy! Have a restful sleep and I'll be in touch...Love to all...the healing is happening...or as we say..has happened! I've lost 13 pounds on day 13 ...pretty cool ...although, I'm thinner...I feel full of wonderful will all balance out soon!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 12 at Optimum Health
Went to Qigong this morning...fantastic...I was strong and vibrant and felt so good...went home and did laundry..caught up on bills and computer stuff and organzing a bit ...and then back to Optimum....I felt so energized that after I unloaded my car...I took a walk before my evening meal...I call it dinner..some outsiders wouldn't agree...I happen to love the feels so good to my body...I talked to Mary today...she is amazing...I asked her how she was and she said I feel learning from her...her grace...her's beautiful...I love my life...I love so many things about this life...I'm in awe of how precious every moment is...I enjoy every thing...even the not so obvious ....tonight I went to the talent show...every friday was also inspiring...I'm stimulated...and very happy...good night all...sleep soon....
Fund Raiser info from Yoga Vista
From Sherry at Yoga Vista...
It has been a whirlwind week planning this special day for Summer, but I am excited that 10 teachers throughout San Diego County will be participating in this full day of wonderful yoga, pilates, meditation, music and more! The schedule for May 1st will be at the studio this Saturday and hopefully on the web this weekend. I will be sending out a email newsletter shortly. I will also send the Flyer in PDF form to all of you. I hope that you will share this information with your friends and community. All classes are $10. All Yoga Vista boutique items sold on May 1st will go 50/50 to Summer's Fund. We have had many people donate their products and services which we plan to handle through a raffle and possibly an auction.
Thanks for all of your kindness and support for this special day. Please keep Summer dear to your heart and thoughts! More info to come.
Sherry Zak Morris
Owner, Yoga Vista Studio
319 E. Broadway Avenue
Vista, CA 92084
Cell - 760-717-6262
It has been a whirlwind week planning this special day for Summer, but I am excited that 10 teachers throughout San Diego County will be participating in this full day of wonderful yoga, pilates, meditation, music and more! The schedule for May 1st will be at the studio this Saturday and hopefully on the web this weekend. I will be sending out a email newsletter shortly. I will also send the Flyer in PDF form to all of you. I hope that you will share this information with your friends and community. All classes are $10. All Yoga Vista boutique items sold on May 1st will go 50/50 to Summer's Fund. We have had many people donate their products and services which we plan to handle through a raffle and possibly an auction.
- Friday, April 30th Drop off/Set-up - For anyone wanting to donate baked goods, gift certificates, etc or if you want to sell anything with a 50/50 split like jewelry, art pieces, etc .... we need to have these dropped off Friday evening between 5-8:00 pm for set-up.
- Saturday, May 1 Fund Raiser Schedule - here it is.
- 7:30 - 8:45 am - Kundalini Yoga with Marcia Frescura
- 9:00 - 10:15 am - Power Vinyasa with Erin Noland
- 10:30 - 11:45 am - Gentle Yoga with Sherry Zak Morris
- 12:00 - 2:00 pm - Yin/Yang Yoga with Garry Alesio and Susan Taylor
- 2:30 - 3:30 pm - Pilates with Marianne Seare
- 4:00 - 5:15 pm - Happy 53rd Birthday Summer! 53 Sun Salutations led by Lisette Hart
- 5:30 - 6:45 pm - Peace Core Yoga with Margaret Vanasse
- 7:00 - 7:30 pm - Music for the Soul (artist TBA)
- 7:30 - 8:00 pm - Meditation from the Heart with Jon Mize
- Volunteer shifts needed for May 1st to work the front desk and/or sales tables
- 8:30 - 10:00 am
- 11:30 - 1:00 pm
- 1 - 2:30 pm
Thanks for all of your kindness and support for this special day. Please keep Summer dear to your heart and thoughts! More info to come.
Sherry Zak Morris
Owner, Yoga Vista Studio
319 E. Broadway Avenue
Vista, CA 92084
Cell - 760-717-6262
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 11 at Optimum Health
Today started off the same and then I found out my dear friend Mary has been hospitalized for a bowel obstruction. She is not a candidate for surgery or more medicine. I went to see her and thank her for how much she means to special she is...I will fight for my life in honor of her never having the choice I have right now in this moment. She never got the chance to eat healthy food and drink fresh juices...she never got a chance to leap with faith in a new direction...I will honor her by staying strong in my will to live ...I will make peace when it's my time and I will stay strong no matter what... I love you Mary and you will forever be in my heart...when it's your moment I will be there heart is so full with love for you...may we all know love the way Mary has shown love to me and countless others...I have been blessed by her ...she is getting closer to her time and she is ready...beautiful and inspiring.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
day 10 at Optimum Health
Tuesday was a relatively uneventful day and yet just right...same format...I got some extra reading time and sun time before the rain was a lovely day...going home tomorrow for an appointment and to do needed laundry...take care everyone...and much love ...always...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 9 at Optimum Health
Yesterday's entry pretty much sums up what I do here every day...sometimes I go to classes although I have been to the entire 3 week program so I pick and choose what seems the most useful. I find it more in my alignment to connect to going home once or twice per week for Qigong classes and to meditate on my own and to continue walking every morning with or without the group dynamic here. Yesterday was a great healing day...I had two formal healings yesterday and it was very helpful and helped me sleep last night. I start the 3 day juice diet again...this program is all low calorie but sometimes it's in juice form and sometimes in raw form as salads etc. Today begins the juice form again...I've also been all keeps me busy in the strangest to everyone
Sunday, April 18, 2010
day 8 at optimum Health
What a wonderful day today!
I started as I normally do...with wheat grass juice...then back to my room for a cup of tea ( not an optimum health menu) I have it on my own...then a 45 min or more walk around the grounds...then back to my room for a wheat grass enema...shower...breakfast...and sitting out in the sun reading...getting ready for my vows to come...back in my room to dress up for the occasion...very exciting and then off to pick up lunch to take with me and then to the buddhist center to 1:30 ish myself and 3 others took our bodisattava was wonderful! Then I stayed to support the additional 9 students taking their refuge vows...this is a non-monastic lineage so to take these vows is a bit different than if I were a young child in more of a monastic setting of buddhism. It was a wonderful day...back to my room...more wheat grass juice...more yummy food and then soon to go to bed and to all of you...starting my second week today...
I started as I normally do...with wheat grass juice...then back to my room for a cup of tea ( not an optimum health menu) I have it on my own...then a 45 min or more walk around the grounds...then back to my room for a wheat grass enema...shower...breakfast...and sitting out in the sun reading...getting ready for my vows to come...back in my room to dress up for the occasion...very exciting and then off to pick up lunch to take with me and then to the buddhist center to 1:30 ish myself and 3 others took our bodisattava was wonderful! Then I stayed to support the additional 9 students taking their refuge vows...this is a non-monastic lineage so to take these vows is a bit different than if I were a young child in more of a monastic setting of buddhism. It was a wonderful day...back to my room...more wheat grass juice...more yummy food and then soon to go to bed and to all of you...starting my second week today...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
day 7 at optimum health
Well I've made it one week and I'm taking it all in...wanting to trust and then feeling afraid ...for moments I give myself that scary place and then I trust again. I don't know when it's my time to transition...I do know I can make the best life I have day to day ...moment to moment and let nature speak to me...I will do my best to listen to healing options and take every opportunity to stay here on this Earth and share what I know and even what I don't know...I have attended my Buddhist workshop this weekend and also preparing to take my Bodisattva Vows..this is very special and meaningful for me...please think of me tomorrow at 1:30pm...sending so much love to all and thank you for your kind thoughts and incredible means so much to me...Love you
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 6 at Optimum Health
I had a great day...of course that meant that I got all of my food for the day and headed to my Qigong class near my house and absorbed all of the healing chi...ok I shared some too!!! And then went home to do lots of laundry and watched my favorite shows...I enjoyed my day..connected with my husband and then went to my Buddhist class downtown and now back to Optimum Health...a great day...all over the place I's all about the moment and the experience in the moment...I have a wonderful weekend ahead getting ready for my happy and grateful for this time!
Soul of Yoga fundraiser info with address
It's "Summer" Time!
Announcing a Fundraiser for Summer Autio
Announcing a Fundraiser for Summer Autio
Please join us in supporting our incredible friend and Soul teacher, Summer Autio, in overcoming her body's battle with cancer. As you may know, Summer has been in this fight for a few years and now needs our emotional, spiritual and financial support as she adds new treatments to her regime. To help provide Summer with all the care she requires, The Soul Center for Spiritual Awakening (our new non-profit arm) has established a fund in her name and all proceeds will go to this cause. In addition, the Soul teachers who will be covering Summer's class while she is away have offered to contribute their compensation to assist with Summer's medical bills. Support them by experiencing Happy Hour Yoga on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm or donate to the fund by giving your tax-deductible cash or check donation made to: The Soul Center Foundation, Summer's Fund. This posting is from Soul of Yoga in may call or google address or I'll post the info as soon as I can...Thank you ...
Soul of Yoga attn: fundraiser for summer
681 Encinitas Blvd. #305, Encinitas CA 92024.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 5 at Optimum Health
I don't know why...but my energy level was better today...I didn't have to take one nap...I think there is a relationship with enemas and my's supposed to be opposite....ridding the body of toxins and feeling lighter and better...while that is true much of the time...I am having the opposite effect...I'm also concerned with an enema every day...I'm going to experiment...I think less for me might be more helpful...maybe every few days...I went to my interview for my bodisattva vows tonight...I got to see people I love so much and I also met new was wonderful to connect to an environment that is so helpful to me. I think having too much alone time when I don't need it is making me feel homesick and lonely. It's ok..I'm learning how to deal with that too...ongoing...It's not the kind of lonliness where you want to talk to's knowing that the environment you have created at home in alignment and it feels like something is missing when you aren't there...I am so grateful for my work...I send love to everyone everyday and then some more!
first of the fundraisers to come...
Dear Friends,
I'm passing a long this information..if anything changes ...I'll post it...there will be other fundraisers coming if you can't attend this one...Yoga Vista and some yoga teachers have offered to create a gathering to celebrate the needs of a fellow yoga teacher and friend...I'm so grateful and touched. To receive is just as important as giving and I had to learn this especially from the past 4 years...I will continue to reciprocate the flow of giving and receiving...It's all about LOVE....thank you...
Hi all! I am pulling together a list of classes/events for Sat, May 1st with all proceeds going to Summer. If you want to teach a 1 hour class, $10 donation, with some kind of theme/specialty - let me know. I would love to have a musical event to wrap up in the evening.
If you can make any treats, goodies we can sell... or if you want to sell any of your art, jewelry, creative items on a 50/50 split - let me know. If you can work the front desk for an hour shift or so, let me know as well.
Time is of the essence, so I appreciate your support and understanding of this situation. Thanks everyone!
Sherry Zak Morris
Owner, Yoga Vista Studio
319 E. Broadway Avenue
Vista, CA 92084
Cell - 760-717-6262
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day Four at Optimum Health
Today my energy started off pretty good...then...around 10am I started crashing...took a nap out in the sun...and then went to have juice for lunch and couldn't keep my eyes open again...just waking up so I can go to a stretch class and have more juice...up and down with's supposed to be like's why I came have an environment to restrict calories even Goldie Hawn said in private benjamin..." I just want to go to lunch" my case lunch is not what she had in mind.....and this was my plan is to stay well and have a great life...I really have a hard time with missing my work and missing my friends and missing my home when I'm was so helpful to go home yesterday...I do have a few things to accomplish while I'm here...I've been studying and preparing to take my boddisatva vows on Sunday....I have a meeting on thursday night and will officially take them on Sunday...I'm very excited to do this...I took the vows on my own years ago when I first started studying Pema's work...and then last year I took them again when I went to see the Dali Lama...and now in the lineage that I study...I will take them . I also have my masters level reiki workshop coming up at the end of my stay here. So I will also be preparing to embrace that as well! Both environments helping me to stay in alignment with the greater stay when I'm uncomfortable ..I'm being tested at a deeper level and I know I can do this! Take care and I'll see you soon!
Love to you all!
Love to you all!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
day three at Optimum Health I escaped today...I stayed in my room to deal with logistical stuff....paying bills...dealing with medical bills that I really don't owe but if I don't pay...I'll be sent to collections...letting go of all of that and yet stepping into it with patience and determination...I felt so much better that it took a burden off of me...then...I realized that to be in alignment with my whole self...I needed to go to Qigong ...I needed to be in my house...I needed to do laundry at home...I needed to feel my home energy...I honored all of those things and went home to worked...I feel lighter and brighter and that homesick feeling....a whole lot better...I feel so happy...I feel in alignment...I don't know how else I can describe Qigong tonight ....there was a reading from the Tao Te Ching reminding us to keep things practice patience and all things in all there you have it...I love you ! Stay in that loving place ...I'm here with you in that loving place...can you feel it? I can...thank you! So tonight day 2 at Optimum Health...I feel re-connected to that alignment. It feels so good to know that what I'm life day to day is what I love to feels so good to be in love with my husband and my life! I am so grateful! Good night!
Monday, April 12, 2010
day two at Optimum Health
It's not like I haven't been here just want to go back home and do the program there...I'm so disciplined...I was already on an organic juice diet for 3 weeks prior to coming here...eating this raw detox food is like having raw gormet compared to juicing everyday...I feel like being quiet...most people are very chatty and friendly...I'm friendly but I just want to be quiet...I miss home and I miss my work and my friends and my husband and my house and my everything.. and this is only the first day...
I love you
I love you
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Time for Healing
Dear Friends,
Most of you know, I'm facing a health challenge. The original ovarian cancer from the diagnosis in 2006, has recurred a third time. I have embraced conventional treatments that have included numerous surgeries and chemo-therapies. At this time, it looks like this approach is not the most useful course of treatment. Throughout my entire life, I have always been open to what ever method of medicine would be the most beneficial. I have and will continue to receive care from alternative Doctor's...i.e...acupuncture..
.holistic Dr's ...healers of many and more! Within the western model I was lucky enough to also be able to integrate these modalities for healing. I will also continue my incredible relationship with my oncologist. Most of you know how much I love and appreciate him!
To continue with the same type of treatment is not beneficial at this time. I have been blessed with so many friends and family sending information and ideas for additional ways to treat my current situation. One can only imagine all of the wonderful and not so wonderful alternative medicine out there. I have had a very difficult time making any decisions at all.
After digesting the many alternative options...There is a place I would like to go to ...I must raise the money first...the cost is approximately $35,000.000 dollars...I would need even more to cover current medical bills and loss of work. The goal is to raise $50,000.000. I know it can be done ...I know it will come. There are three fundraisers in different areas being planned. I don't have the details yet. I will keep in touch with the information as soon as I know.
Another method of pausing the cancer cell growth is by decreasing calories and optimizing nutrition. There is incredible research showing great results. Three weeks ago, I started a 100 % organic veggie juice ( fast) with now some warm soup (all veggies) and I feel great. By taking an extra step while money is being raised...I can do some research on my own and continue to heal by this method. With the wonderful help of holistic Dr's ..I'm also on a supplement regimen that also feels right at this time.
The decision to take the extra step will include going to Optimum Health Institute for 3 weeks and more recovery at home for an additional week. I will be off of work for one month starting this Sunday April 11- May 2 and will return to work, Monday May 10. This facility is local...Lemon Grove, San Diego. This way I can also be close to my Dr. and have access to lab work and care outside of this faciltity should I need additional support...including alternative medical support.
After the three week protocol I'll get more blood work to show the results of this current method .I'll know how to continue or that I must go to the hospital in Mexico called
"Oasis of Hope". I feel like an in between step is what I need. There are also other alternative options that I resonate with...all of them with a similar financial investment. I will be staying open minded to the additional options for treatment should I discover something more useful along the way!
I will meet with my private clients one on one to discuss our schedules.
Class schedule:
All Blend classes are paused until Tuesday May 11...
Soul of Yoga Thursday nights at 5:30 pm will be taught by one of the other wonderful teachers while I'm out...I'll be back to Thursday nights on May13.
Yoga Vista Monday nights at 6:00 pm will continue with other great teachers as well. I will return on May 10.
While I'm gone I'll communicate updates through my blog
Thank you for your love and support. This is a time to embrace life in a way that truly moves us in a direction of love and compassion. I'm stepping into the powerful light and love that is healing... I feel happy and blessed for the life I've been given. I will continue to grow and learn and share. I'm very grateful for the wonderful energy surrounding me ...there isn't a moment that I take for granted anything. Please step into this healing light with me and may we all benefit!
I'll have my computer with me and will be able to receive emails and the various ways we communicate. Due to my need to focus on healing...I will limit my communication.
I love you...I'll see you soon!
Most of you know, I'm facing a health challenge. The original ovarian cancer from the diagnosis in 2006, has recurred a third time. I have embraced conventional treatments that have included numerous surgeries and chemo-therapies. At this time, it looks like this approach is not the most useful course of treatment. Throughout my entire life, I have always been open to what ever method of medicine would be the most beneficial. I have and will continue to receive care from alternative Doctor's...i.e...acupuncture..
To continue with the same type of treatment is not beneficial at this time. I have been blessed with so many friends and family sending information and ideas for additional ways to treat my current situation. One can only imagine all of the wonderful and not so wonderful alternative medicine out there. I have had a very difficult time making any decisions at all.
After digesting the many alternative options...There is a place I would like to go to ...I must raise the money first...the cost is approximately $35,000.000 dollars...I would need even more to cover current medical bills and loss of work. The goal is to raise $50,000.000. I know it can be done ...I know it will come. There are three fundraisers in different areas being planned. I don't have the details yet. I will keep in touch with the information as soon as I know.
Another method of pausing the cancer cell growth is by decreasing calories and optimizing nutrition. There is incredible research showing great results. Three weeks ago, I started a 100 % organic veggie juice ( fast) with now some warm soup (all veggies) and I feel great. By taking an extra step while money is being raised...I can do some research on my own and continue to heal by this method. With the wonderful help of holistic Dr's ..I'm also on a supplement regimen that also feels right at this time.
The decision to take the extra step will include going to Optimum Health Institute for 3 weeks and more recovery at home for an additional week. I will be off of work for one month starting this Sunday April 11- May 2 and will return to work, Monday May 10. This facility is local...Lemon Grove, San Diego. This way I can also be close to my Dr. and have access to lab work and care outside of this faciltity should I need additional support...including alternative medical support.
After the three week protocol I'll get more blood work to show the results of this current method .I'll know how to continue or that I must go to the hospital in Mexico called
"Oasis of Hope". I feel like an in between step is what I need. There are also other alternative options that I resonate with...all of them with a similar financial investment. I will be staying open minded to the additional options for treatment should I discover something more useful along the way!
I will meet with my private clients one on one to discuss our schedules.
Class schedule:
All Blend classes are paused until Tuesday May 11...
Soul of Yoga Thursday nights at 5:30 pm will be taught by one of the other wonderful teachers while I'm out...I'll be back to Thursday nights on May13.
Yoga Vista Monday nights at 6:00 pm will continue with other great teachers as well. I will return on May 10.
While I'm gone I'll communicate updates through my blog
Thank you for your love and support. This is a time to embrace life in a way that truly moves us in a direction of love and compassion. I'm stepping into the powerful light and love that is healing... I feel happy and blessed for the life I've been given. I will continue to grow and learn and share. I'm very grateful for the wonderful energy surrounding me ...there isn't a moment that I take for granted anything. Please step into this healing light with me and may we all benefit!
I'll have my computer with me and will be able to receive emails and the various ways we communicate. Due to my need to focus on healing...I will limit my communication.
I love you...I'll see you soon!
Monday, April 5, 2010
what I know now...
- I plan on teaching my yoga class tonight at Yoga vista at 6pm...please join me...YEAH!!!
Medical update:
- I feel great ...
- I have choices with western medicine options...chemotherapy...ect...
- I have alternative therapy options...which are many...I'm currently researching those options as it's clear to me that the treatments I have already done...are not it's time to look at other options...
The biopsy that was supposed to be done last Wednesday and then was rescheduled to this coming Wednesday is now canceled due to the radiologist view that the tumor isn't large enough to get the tissue sample he needs...he also feels there is not enough acitis fluid to get for testing either .
I have big decisions to make about my next step...I'm currently on a very strict organic juicing protocol with a few added I am doing something...I'm also embracing that I AM HEALED!
Two names that keep coming up are Gerson Therapy and Oasis of Hope...
other names...Optimum Health Institue ( I've been there) and local places like Health Walk ect.
If any of you have direct experience with any of them ...please let me know.
This is one of if not the most challenging decision I have ever made. I'm calling out for a healing miracle!
My work schedule can change at any time...however...unless posted otherwise...I'm working my regular schedule...I look normal and healthy and I feel great...
Stay with me in the positive light ...I am supported by your love and your strength with me...Please do not surround me with any fear or judgment.
Love to you,
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Blog Archive
- day 18 at Optimum Health
- Day 17 at Optimum Health
- An inspirational story about life
- Day 16 at Optimum Health
- Day 15 at Optimum Health
- day 14 at Optimum Health
- my husband and I
- Day 13 at Optimum Health
- Day 12 at Optimum Health
- Fund Raiser info from Yoga Vista
- Day 11 at Optimum Health
- day 10 at Optimum Health
- Day 9 at Optimum Health
- day 8 at optimum Health
- day 7 at optimum health
- Day 6 at Optimum Health
- Soul of Yoga fundraiser info with address
- Day 5 at Optimum Health
- first of the fundraisers to come...
- Day Four at Optimum Health
- day three at Optimum Health
- day two at Optimum Health
- Time for Healing
- what I know now...