Tuesday, March 29, 2011

another being needs our help...sharing for mutual friends

Love – Hope – Optimism – Friendship

by Michelle Raasch on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 8:32pm
A true friend shines through when times are tough.  A true friend steps up to the bat and helps out when they are called upon. Friends, I’m calling on you and asking for your help and support.  One of mine and Brendan’s good friends is currently in a coma, due to a horrible set of circumstances. He was leaving a local watering hole in Encinitas, when two men who had been kicked out of the bar earlier were out for revenge and he was the unlucky receiver.  He was hit from behind and immediately fell to the ground.  He was severely injured, with major trauma to his head, which led to brain swelling.  He was rushed to Scripps La Jolla on Thursday night, where he currently resides. Today he underwent brain surgery to help reduce the swelling of his brain. Please pray for the best and that tomorrow will bring a positive change.
Eric is an amazing person, father of a beautiful little boy and husband to one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. It breaks my heart that something like this could happen to such a good person and wonderful family. It’s just not fair or right. I’m asking you, as my friend, to help out my other friends. Please click on this link and donate whatever you can to help with the financial burden my friends are enduring. Please pray, cross your fingers & toes and wish the best for the most positive outcome. Life, friends and family are so precious….kiss, hug and squeeze the ones you love. I love you all.

Please help if you can, if not, help by sharing this link...Even $5.00 will make a huge difference. Here is the direct link to donate.  http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1495118941/efblike
If you would like to read more about what’s happening, please click on this link

amazing events sponsered by the love of summershope

Wow...so inspired by the loving efforts of so many beautiful souls...

www.summershope.com is offering many events to assist me offsetting the costs of medical care ....there are truly no words to describe the love that I feel!!! In return...I get to share the love with you...over and over again....

Please go to the above website and view the events section...

I made it through the first round of cycle 9 very well!!!

Have a beautiful week!!!


sharing the wisdom of Rumi

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.” -Rumi

Thursday, March 24, 2011

cycle 9 starts friday

I feel so much better and stronger as I prepare for the 9th cycle of this chemo series...my heart is so full and appreciative of the summershope fundraiser and the love that has come through from people all over the world!!! I was also very excited to get a regular cold/allergy/bronchitis ...it was wonderful to experience normal sickness...please join me for classes and more as you scroll my schedule and menu options to the right of this blog...please read the wonderful articles that have been written and please visit the yoga studios and businesses who dare to step outside the box...showing more love than most....showing financial support when their own businesses could use donations....to see and feel such faith in humanity!!! The articles and more are on the left side of the blog! Have a beautiful day!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

recent news article

In general, San Diego County has a close-knit yoga community, and the recent fundraising effort to support Vista-based yoga instructor, Summer Autio, proves the point. In as little as two weeks time, Sherry Zak Morris, owner of Yoga Vista, was able to recruit 16 San Diego area yoga studios, various local business and numerous individuals (and the count gets higher every day), to pull together and provide funds and events to help Summer Autio in her struggle to fight Stage 3 ovarian cancer.
In 2006, Summer received the dreaded diagnosis, and has been strongly battling to overcome the illness. Since that time, she has endured numerous surgeries, chemotherapy and holistic treatments, even as she continues to teach when she feels physically able. If you personally have, or know someone who has taken this harrowing journey in combating cancer, you understand how physically, emotionally and monetarily expensive aggressive cancer treatments can be. Friends, family and well-wishers lend support for the physical and emotional needs, however, even with healthcare insurance, the cost of cancer can be astronomical, which is where Summer’s Hope comes in.
Already, the outpouring of support is astounding! Yoga instructors are donating part of their salaries, and even a percentage of workshops and local businesses are contributing outright funds as well as presenting specials where the revenue is directed to the cause. The Summer’s Hope fund is inviting the public to contribute in any way possible to aid Summer and lighten her load – from attending special workshops and classes in Summer’s honor, to skipping that drive-thru latte and donating even that seemingly small amount of change to the fund.
Of course, numerous North County and N.C. Costal yoga studios are on-board. However, even studios from as far south as Pilgrimage of the Heart in central San Diego, and A Gentle Way in La Mesa are doing their part to contribute. Please check the link below for the most current list of Yoga Studio and businesses participating.  http://www.summershope.com/partners.html
So please consider practicing some karma yoga, and express ahimsa, by sharing reverence and love for a fellow life-traveler. From pennies to big green bills, your contribution is greatly appreciated. Share this information with your local yoga studio or instructor as well as friends and family. With a collective effort, we can all help Summer, and in turn, help ourselves.
For more information on Summer’s Hope check the following website: www.SummersHope.com
And for more information on Summer Autio and to check out her blog, connect to http://www.theinnerhouse.us/contact.html
You may also be interested in reading North County Yoga Examiner, Jessica Wilson’s recent article for more information on the heartfelt motivation to create Summer’s Hope.  http://www.examiner.com/yoga-in-san-diego/north-county-yoga-community-comes-together-to-support-local-teacher

By Diane Ambrosini

Diane is a certified yoga instructor, author and presenter, and believes that absolutely everyone can benefit from practicing yoga! If your...
Read more


"When mind and body are synchronized in your life and practice, there is very little chance for neurosis of any kind to arise. The basis of neurosis, or even physical discomfort and pain, is mind and body not joining together. Sometimes the mind is miles away and the body is here. Or the body is miles away and the mind is here. The main point of practice is learning to be a proper human being, which is known as being a warrior. When mind and body are joined together, then you are joining heaven and earth, and you can be a genuine warrior. This quality of harmony will bring fearlessness. However, this fearlessness will also be punctuated by occasional fear, uncertainty, and confusion." -CTR, Smile at Fear


"Just as a drop of water that falls into the ocean
Will never disappear until the ocean runs dry,
Merit totally dedicated to enlightenment
Will never disappear until enlightenment is reached."
-The Buddha Shakyamuni, from the Sutra Requested by Sagaramati

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Spring!!!

Welcoming the cleansing rain...the hail...the snow...the seasonal wake up that reminds us we are so fortunate to have this safe and loving life...a good time of year to let go...release...GIVE much away ....SHARE...sincerely LOVE...be PATIENT...I'm trying that one daily....practice YOGA......see you soon!!!! ALL is WELL!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

much better now...

I'm feeling much better now...yeah!!! I will see you all in classes all week....thank you for your patience...love to all!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

no chemo today

Because of my cold/allergies.....I can't have chemo today...that's ok...still resting and letting my body do it's thing...the good news is ...I caught a normal cold...not cancer related...so excited!!! Of course ...catching a cold sucks...but I'm ok...I guess chemo was not meant to be today...I'll build by body even stronger for next week...sending out lots of love to everyone!!!

Just for future information...anytime I can't teach my evening yoga classes for any reason at all...there are always wonderful subs at yoga vista and soul of yoga...the teachers are wonderful and I would love to take from any of the teachers who fill in for me if given the chance...as much as you love yoga...anytime I have to miss..please enjoy the love of yoga from any of these talented teachers...you will be loved and cared for and treated in the best of ways...thank you for staying open!!

The Blend classes in the mornings must be canceled if I can't teach...I always send out emails and blogs to alert the change...Fortunately, it rarely happens...thank you for your patience!

Have a wonderful weekend!!! See you soon!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

no classes on thursday

I've caught a normal cold or I'm fighting allergies...either way I can't teach on thursday...so sorry for any inconvience...so much love to you all...

Monday, March 14, 2011

wonderful perspective from Caroline...

Understanding Our Relationship to the Earth

As we all know by now, the Earth has shifted once again. Just the slightest change from deep beneath the waters, a crack in the fabric of her lining, and islands quake while tsunami waves rush across shorelines. We awake believing the world – our world – is stable, only to learn again and again that this Earth is as much a living, breathing, moving, active instrument of life as we are. It is the grandest live organism we shall ever encounter, this wondrous Being that sustains us each second of our life. Weeks ago, a cyclone of unprecedented size hit Australia and an earthquake shortly afterwards moved the ground beneath Christchurch, New Zealand. Buildings fell like toys, leaving much of the town in pieces. Who knows what the final death toll will be in Japan?
It would appear that the pace as well as the intensity of long-predicted earth activity and climate change is accelerating. Like many people familiar with prediction-oriented literature, all sorts of reasons can be put forward as to why the Earth goes through a period of increased seismic activity. Scientists will come up with "scientific" data, as expected. From my point of view, if they were so knowledgeable in the first place, the massive abuses to the Earth would have never occurred because they would have used their scientific data to protect the Earth. They're great at riding the caboose on the train of environmental change. Unfortunately, the few who have had the courage to attempt to direct the engine have been thwarted by corporate and political interests who insist that all data suggesting even a hint of climate change activity is a liberal conspiracy.
On the extreme other side, I have heard many people make the comment that, "Mother Nature is angry," and that's why these events are happening. I'm not all that certain that Mother Nature functions from the same emotional system of "anger-vengeance/love-reward" that human beings do. I certainly hope not. Given that Mother Nature was an active, alive force long before we occupied this planet, I suspect that She is far more of a cosmic system of intelligence, transcendent of emotions such as anger or vengeance. Rather, if anything, I suspect that the way to understand Mother Nature is best found through the study of the Tao – the study of the laws of balance that essentially govern the activity of Nature. When Nature is out of balance, the system itself will initiate whatever action it must take in order to reestablish an environment capable of sustaining all life – not just human life, but all life. Within the realm of Nature, all life is equal. Life is precious because it is life, not because it is human life or wealthy life or educated life or young life – but because it is life.
We are now living at a time when all cycles and systems of life are out of balance, including our system of perception itself. We do not "perceive" life clearly at all and thus, we as a society make choices that are based on endless illusions. And illusions lead to disasters. There was a time not so long ago, for example, when human beings walked more humbly on the Earth and under the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. Before the "Age of Reason,” a person walked into a forest filled with the awareness that the forest was as aware of him as he was of it. He shared the ground with the forest and all the creatures who lived there. They were not his for the taking, for the slaughtering, for dominating. In times gone by, people lived in a type of consciousness in which even the slightest movement of the wind meant something – perhaps heaven was piercing the veil between dimensions, speaking in a soft breeze, moving a branch or a leaf in order to communicate a message, or a warning, or signal its approval. The stars that filled the sky at night were not just pretty, shining objects, but proof of a celestial homeland, the blanket of the Divine covering humanity. Every living creature had purpose and meaning, a place in which it was given a natural dignity because it was created by a God no one doubted existed.
Of course human beings were still human beings in those days before the Age of Reason introduced a love of logic and a God who (obviously) had scientific reasons up "his" celestial sleeve for why all things happen as they do in this whole big universe. Civilization was also a dark and dreary place back then, with disease and the plague, and endless wars … Oh wait, am I describing then or now? Oh, I'm describing their version of then, not ours. Though they also had war, and they also had epidemics, and they also had starvation, what they did not have that has driven our civilization to the brink of madness is an epidemic of narcissism blended with an epidemic of blind doubt about the existence of the cosmic structure that holds together this fragile place called Earth. Back then, no one doubted the existence of this invisible reality. Today, that doubt is an epidemic and the absence of respect and reverence for the Earth is reflected in the choices governments and corporations make as well as individuals.
Is Mother Earth angry? Don't be silly. A cosmic force hardly gets angry. But a cosmic force is seeking balance, just as your individual body seeks balance when it has been struck with a toxin. What is the difference?
The Earth will continue to have an increase in earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, and whatever else is required to reestablish balance in Her environment. She is a living organism that is, in effect, rebooting Herself. Only the human community has the idea that we somehow live apart from the Earth, that the Earth does not respond to our breathing, to our thoughts, to our actions. It's incomprehensible, to be sure, to even hold such a perspective. But the Earth is that sensitive. Recycling, I assure you, is not enough. Consider the Earth as a family member instead, as a Being that sees you as clearly as you see it. And you are on the "Earth" as much when you are standing in the midst of New York City or London as you are in the middle of a forest. You are still "on the Earth". Standing on concrete or in a building does not make it any less "Earth" except if you hold to the perception that what qualifies for the "Earth" is out of the city in green or desert nature. But that's an illusion. How can you ever be off or away from the "Earth"? It's precisely that perception – that Nature is in the country but not in the city - that maintains the illusion of separateness. You may prefer to be in the country but you always on the Earth.
Having said all this, let me turn to the loss of human life. While earth shifts are essential for the Earth to survive, they are tragic for us. They result in enormous loss of human life and we must all hold in prayer the souls and the families of the people of Japan. The fear, pain, and grief of the thousands of people is unimaginable. We learn from this tragedy once again that the life we awaken to each morning may well be completely different by the end of the day. We kid ourselves by telling ourselves that we are in charge of the length of our lifetime. We are not. We must treat each day as a gift as well as every person dear to us. We learn from this event in Japan that we can be with the Japanese community of people through prayer, through email, through FB in an instant. We are truly learning an enormous cosmic truth: We are one. And we are meant to use that truth: Pray together, heal our fellow human beings together, and heal our beloved Earth together. Put your soul to work.
Love, Caroline

Friday, March 11, 2011

Please do Tonglen

Tonglen is the tool for what we are feeling....breathe in the darkness...breathe out the light....breathe in the suffering ...breathe out lightness....breathe in the fear and pain ...breathe out courage,
patience and love...keep breathing ....keep loving...keep it going....it matters....sending love and healing to all areas of the world feeling afraid and uncertain....

"In order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion for ourselves.

In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean —you name it— to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one's whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one's heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind.

The tonglen practice is a method for connecting with suffering —ours and that which is all around us— everywhere we go. It is a method for overcoming fear of suffering and for dissolving the tightness of our heart. Primarily it is a method for awakening the compassion that is inherent in all of us, no matter how cruel or cold we might seem
to be.

We begin the practice by taking on the suffering of a person we know to be hurting and who we wish to help. For instance, if you know of a child who is being hurt, you breathe in the wish to take away all the pain and fear of that child. Then, as you breathe out, you send the child happiness, joy or whatever would relieve their pain. This is the core of the practice: breathing in other's pain so they can be well and have more space to relax and open, and breathing out, sending them relaxation or whatever you feel would bring them relief and happiness. However, we often cannot do this practice because we come face to face with our own fear, our own resistance, anger, or whatever our personal pain, our personal stuckness happens to be at that moment.

At that point you can change the focus and begin to do tonglen for what you are feeling and for millions of others just like you who at that very moment of time are feeling exactly the same stuckness and misery. Maybe you are able to name your pain. You recognize it clearly as terror or revulsion or anger or wanting to get revenge. So you breathe in for all the people who are caught with that same emotion and you send out relief or whatever opens up the space for yourself and all those countless others. Maybe you can't name what you're feeling. But you can feel it —a tightness in the stomach, a heavy darkness or whatever. Just contact what you are feeling and breathe in, take it in —for all of us and send out relief to all of us.

People often say that this practice goes against the grain of how we usually hold ourselves together. Truthfully, this practice does go against the grain of wanting things on our own terms, of wanting it to work out for ourselves no matter what happens to the others. The practice dissolves the armor of self-protection we've tried so hard to create around ourselves. In Buddhist language one would say that it dissolves the fixation and clinging of ego.

Tonglen reverses the usual logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure and, in the process, we become liberated from a very ancient prison of selfishness. We begin to feel love both for ourselves and others and also we begin to take care of ourselves and others. It awakens our compassion and it also introduces us to a far larger view of reality. It introduces us to the unlimited spaciousness that Buddhists call shunyata. By doing the practice, we begin to connect with the open dimension of our being. At first we experience this as things not being such a big deal or so solid as they seemed before.

Tonglen can be done for those who are ill, those who are dying or have just died, or for those that are in pain of any kind. It can be done either as a formal meditation practice or right on the spot at any time. For example, if you are out walking and you see someone in pain —right on the spot you can begin to breathe in their pain and send some out some relief. Or, more likely, you might see someone in pain and look away because it brings up your fear or anger; it brings up your resistance and confusion.

So on the spot you can do tonglen for all the people who are just like you, for everyone who wishes to be compassionate but instead is afraid, for everyone who wishes to be brave but instead is a coward.

Rather than beating yourself up, use your own stuckness as a stepping stone to understanding what people are up against all over the world.

Breathe in for all of us and breathe out for all of us.

Use what seems like poison as medicine. Use your personal suffering as the path to compassion for all beings. " Pema Chodron


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I love you Pema

Thank you for all you have given me and continue to give me...I love you!

Monday, March 7, 2011

feeling great on this monday morning

chemo was harder in the beginning and easier on the tail end....always different...so much to do today to catch up...my  time gets squeezed with short weeks due to treatment...so much I want to do...I'm still reeling from the amazing creation from Sherry at Yoga Vista.. www.summershope.com....I'm feeling so much love and appreciation for so many beings who are participating...I don't have words other than an ongoing thank you ....I will continue to pay it forward ....pay it up...pay it back ....pay it sideways ....pay it ongoing ....so much love ....

Friday, March 4, 2011


I merged so completely with Love, and
Was so fused, that I became Love
And Love became me.
Rumi, Quotable Quotes

Thursday, March 3, 2011

doing well...being well..

Sending much love out on this wonderful day!!!

I've had a great week and will be having the 3rd round of chemo tomorrow (Friday) ...then a little break...WHEW...always look forward to the pause in between...one of my favorite things...the pause in between...not just chemo but ...in general...in writing it's called an ellipsis and I LOVE that!!!! The ...
paste this link to learn more about ellipsis...


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