Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brain Scan clear

Dear Friends,

My brain scan is clear...whew!!!

I was very reluctant to go through with the surgery..it didn't make sense to me..I had a talk with my Dr. and now we have a plan...at least through the western model.

My instinct is telling me to do a combination of things until something alternative becomes more clear...I'm working from many angles...

My understanding of Qigong and the energy body on so many levels...Chinese herbs and acupuncture...my own method of visualizations ...a diet that addresses any type of dis-ease and now a surgery where we can get tissue samples so the chemo can be directed with more acuraccy...this Friday... or so it seems that surgery will be on Friday if they can get a time in the Operating Room...

...2 ports will be placed...one in my abdomen to administer IP chemo (chemo that enters through the belly and one in my chest as before (for IV chemo) both treatments will be used...to begin soon...

I'm looking into some promising alternative treatments as well...2 inparticular...I'll share more once I know.

The power of prayer and love and Tonglen ( buddhist meditation) are a constant in my life and has pulled me through.

Thank you for your love and support...I look forward to sharing what I learn from this experience.

I will continue to work as much as possible...it's what I love to do ...



  1. Thank you for the update! I'm so sorry I was all weepy at class last night.

    I will dedicate my yoga practices to your healing.


  2. Prayers and Blessings are being sent from all around the world to you, dear Summer. From Pennsyvania to Ireland.
    I have faith that you will heal soon. Your fealessness and tenacity to follow through on what you have to do is key.
    All my love,

  3. So glad you are being so holistically pro-active on this. Your inner wisdom shines as much as your inner beauty.

    I am here for you, dear one, supporting you in the Chi Field.


  4. Dear Veronica...your emotions are wonderful and were welcome!! No worries at all...thank you for your support

  5. Dear Bonnie,
    Much love to you always...when will I see you?

  6. Dear Fay,

    I feel the healing that you are sending my way...thank you...Much love...Summer



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