Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I forgot I have Cancer

The good news is I feel great!!!

I frequently forget that I'm in treatment for cancer...

Yesterday a wonderful friend spontaneously suggested a beach walk and I was ready and it was the first walk in months...I felt energized and renewed and I still do!!! Then I came home and gave myself a yoga session and did yoga again with my class at Yoga vista...It's amazing how much I have improved in one week!!!

I was in bed all weekend with chemo sick symptoms and now I'm back again...AWESOME!!!

Please join me for classes or request to return to private or shared sessions!!! So happy to be feeling so good...

Have a beautiful day ...even the heat is awesome!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Was stuck in traffic coming back from LA Monday :\ Can't wait to see you Thurs! We're going to donate the prices of our missed classes too so you don't miss out on that at least! :)



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