Pamela wrote:
"Customers are demanding organic more and more. We will get it. Customer demand created Whole Foods, and we can create something better. Form follows function.
I live in Portland, Oregon where there is massive support for organics, and I love you all, but it has been apparent up here, in contrast to many stores here which hold a higher standard (New Seasons, Alberta Co-op, Food Front Co-op, Food Fight, People's Co-op, etc.) that there are many ways in which Whole Foods has been co-opted and selling out for many years. They have engaged in monopolistic practices. These other stores in Portland also charge less for the food, have a friendlier, more helpful staff, have better quality food, have a larger percentage of their food organic, and the organics are more local. And they are thriving. Former employees of Whole Foods have many war stories to tell. And these more principled stores are not backing down.
We can do better than Whole Foods. Plus, of course big agra is trying to buy Whole Foods out and intimidate them. All is not lost if Whole Foods caved. They did not have the best interests of their customers, the farmers and the earth at heart in a deep way, or they would not have caved. I am not surprised by this. Saddened, but not surprised. They are now showing their true colors. They have not been the solution for a long time.
The demand is there. We can create new structures. Form follows function. Community Supported Agriculture. Co-ops. Food buying clubs.
One amazing buying club is part of Earth Shift Products. They are an online wholesale buying club. They carry raw, organic, vegan superfoods at 35-70% off the market retail price, which are very high quality. Hemp seeds and some coconut shreds are now on sale. I love these people so much that I became an affiliate. You can get a free year membership by going to
Azure Standard is a supplier of food buying clubs for grains and nuts and beans, etc., etc.
In food buying clubs you pay a discounted price or the wholesale price, which is usually 40-50% less than retail. The food buying clubs started the organic movement back in the late 60's and early 70's in people's living rooms and garages, in churches. I was part of it. It is not hard to do. I started one myself. Those buying clubs spawned the food co-ops. Once the co-ops were viable, Whole Foods and others moved in on the market and watered it down. We can grow our own food, which is better because it is fresher. We can forage for wild food, which is usually more nutritious and is free.
I do not have all the answers, but I know that our pure intent can create something better than Whole Foods. Don't let people who do not love you break your heart. You can do better. A lot better. Buying clubs are fun. Very freeing and empowering. In those early days we visited and swapped clothes, books, seeds, plants and ideas and inspiration. I learned how to build a cabin from other members. We laughed cried and and played together. We were friends, and still are. We were a community, and still are. You are not powerless<3<3<3
In my life, everything that ever happened resulted in growth to something better. I can see that faster when I ask myself when something "bad" happens: "If this were happening for my highest good, what would that be?" And I get amazing answers.
I wish the same for you."
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The Facebook Team
Thank you for sharing about Azure Standard! As a customer of Azures for the past 13 years I can tell you that the service and food has been a huge blessing to our family! My husband is an Owner Operator that drives for Azure Standard. I have created a facebook page and invite anyone interested to join us for sharing of recipes, products on sale, product details and more!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Joseph Wood (Jeanette)