Sunday, April 17, 2011

procedure scheduled tomorrow

most likely i will have a gastric tube placed in my stomach and an ng tube down my nose sometime tomorrow. it has now reached an even more critical point while waiting for the chemo to shrink the tumors that is causing the bowel obstruction @ my vomiting several liters daily...the discomfort is huge...energetically...i could use your help...i know this chemo is could take a few months...i can also shrink the tumors in other ways...if we do it possibilities...i miss you..i miss teaching...i love you all


  1. Summer,
    I love you so much. I am asking everyone I know to send you as much love and energy as they can for even five minutes a day. I miss your smile, but can see it vividly in my head. I am so honored to be teaching your class tonight, and I intend to ask the powerful energy that we generate to go to you directly. You are my inspiration, guiding voice, loving embrace. Feel the love form 6-7:15.. and beyond. My love and I have been going on hikes and visualizing you in perfect health.. we'll carry this on. I love you, there is no way I could say that enough.

    -Ana Victoria (Vicky)

  2. I'm with you my friend. You are such a brave fighter. Keep going. We are all with you. Pam

  3. I see lots has happened since I last checked on saturday. Still sending you lots of LOVE and LIGHT strait to your belly : ) Your heart space has enough for the whole world! Open ended offer to visit you either in the hosp or at home. Let me know my dear..I too am picturing you in perfect health. Love, Shanti, Jack



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