Thursday, May 19, 2011

staying in the moment

Hospice says it takes about 2 weeks to adapt to how they schedule their appointments ...I receive a call in the morning and someone from hospice schedules to come out that same could be for just about anything...whatever I had scheduled..may have to change or we are here at the same's a different way for me to live...I have a Dr. appointment with Dr. Bahador tomorrow (friday) mid day will be interesting to figure out what to wear and how to carry all of this stuff with me...bags...tubing etc. I really want to begin to accept people coming over but I also need to combine it with help...I have the costco trip taken care of for now...

Love to everyone...see you soon


  1. Take as much time and ask for whatever you need <3

  2. Sending lots of love and a big beaming smile! Prema Shanti, Jack



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