Sunday, November 29, 2009


My husband shared this beautiful writing with me...I don't know who the author is ...I would like to take credit for such wonderful writing but this's not me...thank you for the compliments.


With the sky full of birds migrating for the winter and the fields turning empty, the cycle of existence has become more obvious. An inevitable cycle, even in its variations, in which one both participates and is a witness; human nature woven of nature's weave; seasons echoing human growth and maturity; the crescendo of a life echoed in the glow and fade of a single day. Aware of this transition into winter, one is both affected and separate from it. When nature goes underground, leaving everything that was once flourishing to decline, it is the signal to go inward, to leave the world behind. Yet this is not so easy to do. Why leave a flourishing garden for a cold, unknown darkness?

Witnessing this cycle where life-form so quickly lose their shape and die, one sees its principle, the process of transformation from the visible into the invisible. Other forms of transformation are all around us. A caterpillar turns into a butterfly, a transformation so total that there seems to be no relationship at all between the caterpillar and its new, airborne incarnation. Day turns to night, a cycle so radical that one only accepts it because it has happened everyday for as long as one can remember. And in the internal cycle of sleep to consciousness, imagination to presence, a transformation occurs that is equally great; the puppet becomes a real boy, the statue comes to life, the dead resurrect.

So the dull state of sleep then is part of a process yet not the result, necessary yet not acceptable, the winter before the spring. The approaching winter is a symbol of real inner change, the psychological transformation of sleep into consciousness. In the process of awakening, sleep remains unaltered, the skin of a former existence, a component in the cycle of life and death. It is from the inert material of sleep that the conscious Self emerges.

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Solitary fisherman on a wintry river

Zhu Duan, Solitary fisherman on a wintry river.

Friday, November 27, 2009

thank you for a heart filled yoga class at soul of yoga

To all who shared in yoga this morning at Soul of Yoga...

I had an opportunity to sub for Nicole...I was surrounded by the beautiful energy of Nicole's students and mine joining together to send love out to all beings through our practice...

Over 20 students joined together to express our heart's... our love... our compassion...

Thank YOU!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

teaching yoga tomorrow friday at 9:30 am

Dear Yoga Friends,

Soul of yoga is closed today to celebrate Thanksgiving with family....I usually teach on Thursday nights ...

Happily...I was asked to sub on Friday morning...the day after before you go shopping or after...please join me

"Just Yoga" previously called InnerHouse Yoga...still's just yoga hee hee keeping it simple and vibrant and REAL...

Please join me at 9:30 am at The Soul of Yoga in Encinitas!!!

See you tomorrow!!!


Wise words from my teacher Pema...

Compassionate Abiding
A question that has intrigued me for years is this: how can we start exactly where we are, with all our entanglements, and still develop unconditional acceptance of ourselves instead of guilt and depression?

One of the most helpful methods I've found is the practice of compassionate abiding. This is a way of bringing warmth to unwanted feelings. It is a direct method of embracing our experience rather than rejecting it. So the next time you realize that you're hooked, you could experiment with this approach.

Contacting the experience of being hooked you breath in, allowing the feeling completely and opening to it. The in-breath can be deep and relaxed - anything that helps you to let the feeling be there, anything that helps you not to push it away. Then still abiding with the urge and edginess of feelings such as craving or aggression, as you breath out you relax and give the feeling space. The out-breathe is not a way of sending the discomfort away but of ventilating it, or loosening the tension around it, of becoming aware of the space in which the discomfort is occurring.

The practice helps us to develop maitri because we willingly touch the parts of ourselves that we are not proud of [maitri is defined previously as "unconditional friendliness towards oneself"]. We touch feelings we think we shouldn't be having - feelings of failure, of shame, of murderous rage, all those politically incorrect feelings like racial prejudice, disdain we feel for people we consider ugly or inferior, sexual addictions and phobias. We contact whatever we are experiencing and go beyond liking or disliking by breathing in and opening. Then we breathe out and relax. We continue for a few moments, or as long as we wish, synchronizing it with the breath. This process has a leaning-in quality. Breathing in and leaning in are very much the same. We touch the experience, feeling it in the body if that helps, and we breathe it in.

In the process of doing this, we are transmuting hard, reactive, rejecting energy into basic warmth and openness. It sounds dramatic, but really it is very simple and direct. All we are doing is breathing in and experiencing what's happening, then breathing out as we continue to experience what's happening. It's a way of working with our negativity that appreciates that the negative energy per se is not the problem. Confusion only begins when we can't abide with the intensity of the energy and therefore spin off. Staying present with our own energy allows it to keep flowing and move on. Abiding with our own energy is the ultimate non-aggression, the ultimate maitri.

Excerpted from the chapter "Unlimited Friendliness" in a new book "Taking The Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears", © Shambhala Publications 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

training continues...

...spending all weekend at Questhaven Retreat as I continue to deepen my Reiki training....I live over the hill from this retreat site and I have never been there....what a powerful place...I see and feel a retreat coming for my students...

I have returned to my work schedule...and I feel great!!! Still recovering for 6 more weeks physically....however....ready to step into my life deeper...more vibrant...more present than I have ever been before!!!

Join me as our paths unfold...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday is so exciting ....

BLEND students reminder!

see you on Thurs 11/19 at 9:15 am at private residence for class!!!

Yoga students reminder!

Back to teaching at Soul of Yoga 11/19 at 5:30 pm

see you on the mat!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

teaching yoga this thursday and more!

Dear Yoga Friends,

Please join me as I return to my regular schedule of teaching...

Thursday November 19th at Soul of Yoga 5:30 pm

Monday November 23 at Yoga Vista 6:00 pm

also subbing on
Friday the 27th at Soul of Yoga at 9:30 am

Soul of Yoga is closed on Thanksgiving Day
(please join me to honor what we are truly thankful for)


Summer Autio

Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free”

760-798-1563/business voice mail
760-707-7610/cell phone/best for messages

Sunday, November 15, 2009

returning to work

Dear Friends,

Although I'm still recovering from surgery...I have turned a great corner towards a clearer head and stronger body...allowing me to return to a modified schedule this first week...please join me for your private sessions starting Monday and for classes starting again this thursday...see scroll bar to the right for details...

Have a beautiful sunday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a bit stronger...

Feeling a bit stronger and happy about that...will write soon...just wanted to let you know...I miss you and look forward to returning to work and to LIFE...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

still recovering...

still not able to write much other than I'm ok but need the time to heal and to you all and will be in touch when I'm stronger

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm HOME ....barely...

Dear Friends,

I'm home...barely..feeling a lot of pain but happy to be alive and CANCER FREE!!!!!
Yes....cancer free...Dr. Bahador went in to correct the bowel obstruction and was prepared to .... and cancer at all!!!

I will write more later....not able to sit here too long...thanks for your love and your well wishes and your wonderful energy!!!!


I"m home

I"m home

I"m home


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