Friday, February 25, 2011

off to chemo today...

After receiving the interesting ...wonderful...confusing and yet..." I'll take it ....NEWS..." ....I"m off to chemo for the second round of cycle 8...ready... relaxed and happy!

I also want to share the amazing energy and love that is arising at the yoga studios....

Monday night yoga @ yoga vista has exploded with powerful and uplifting energy...24 people basking in the has been an honor to share yoga at yoga vista...real down frills....just yoga...Sherry...(owner of Yoga Vista) has shared herself with me and the students in a way I have never seen before. She is accessible and real and her integrity is a mirror for me to uphold and reflect in my life on all levels! She opens her heart and the studio to all yogis and finds a way to bring students together who may not have had the ability or the vision to experience yoga. Due to her creative one is turned away ....her generous heart and welcoming vision has been transformative for me and the students at yoga vista!

Thursday nights at Soul of Yoga is filled with a spiritual energy and energetic power....again the depth of student comittment and love permeates the room and lingers long after. There is no doubt that the room is filled with the vision of Tom and Trisha....and those of us who hold our classes there have the light already present in the room to lift us as teachers and to continue the transmission to our students. The 20 or more students who show every week are dedicated yogis and I'm so blessed to have that in my life!

Both studios are amazing and walking....and sometimes dancing the yogic path with sincerity and passion! I appreciate the dedication and ongoing support that both studios offer me. It is my dharmic path to share yoga from the deepest part of me and to continue for as long as my physical body remains on this Earth share and to encourage all of us to step into the light of love and compassion! I know with every cell of my being that my path is clear and regardless of what I'm told about my physical body...I'm doing...I'm being my life's's all been training for this moment...

Please join me in some way...I welcome your participation in all areas of my life....I may not be able to be available in person one on one in the way my heart wants to ....but...I'm always here and available from my soul and the love I feel inside. My treatment schedule can be very time consuming....the rest I need from treatments and the work schedule I try to maintain around it doesn't leave me much time to physically meet with you ....I apologize because I truly want to! Please don't interpret my distance as rejection....I'm in a place in my life that I don't even recognize ...I have so much I want to much I want to much I want to much I want to share...and it's happening and I feel amazing!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

test results are in...cautiously optimistic

It is very intriguing to be told last night that the MRI shows diminishing cancer while the cancer blood marker continues to is very mysterious. The chest x-ray was clear. The plan is to continue as is if and until other symptoms or blood work shows otherwise. I am relieved and cautious. I am grateful and curious. I am joyful.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

on my way to....

I was able to schedule the MRI and other tests early this morning...getting up at 4am like I used to ...have a beautiful day!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

made it through the 8th cycle number one....

I have to say that my experience this time was an improvement on many levels....

I have been introduced to new chemo nurses at my Dr's office and this one nurse is fantastic...she is only 24 and has the wisdom of someone twice her age...her care and attention to details has made my experience so much appreciative!

I felt very sick on Friday night and then slowly improved..I tried to go for a walk yesterday and I had to have my husband pick me up...not quite ready for the longer walk and hills I had set out for...that's ok....each time I will feel better...I'm  very anemic and that has it's own challenges on top of chemo rest time.

I feel better today....ready to connect again...getting ready to work today....sending lots of love out to everyone...

Still waiting on the confirmation for the MRI and some additional tests that I just found out about...need more info to know how to proceed...for now...just embracing each moment I get to share and love!

Have a beautiful day....did you see the amazing clouds over the weekend and today? Did you see the full moon??? Did you feel the amazing energy!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

chemo cycle 8 number one

Going to chemo....eight months now on this chemo...feeling mixed emotions...not knowing if it's working or if I'm just going...

One thing I've learned over the to trust the what is placed before me as opportunities to learn and to grow...especially when it's so painful and it really doesn't matter....all experiences are just's not judging this vs. woman's poison is another woman's's really all in the perception...this is natural...this is really doesn't matter at some point....just allowing the experiences to deepen's happening this way naturally....even with unnatural's not what my intuitive self as an organic girl would choose...or would she???? It's really about embracing the experiences...I have made mostly natural medicine choices my entire life...with the exception of some really serious disease challenges...the natural choices didn't work...I could have given up then to the cycle of life and just let go....I did for a while and I found myself close to death....I'm not ready....I'll say it better...I'm ready if and when it's truly my doesn't feel like that to me...I have so much to much teaching and love to share...I'm just stepping into my time to feel life's wisdom bubbling up inside of's not time yet...and yet....I find myself challenged again...what to do???? My oh many opinions out many judgments....all I can do and say and share is  ... when you are the one faced with these decisions....then you can share your experiences and that will be helpful...until you have really walked in my hiking's really hard to know for sure..." what would you do?"

I had a very meaningful time with a woman whom I value so much spiritually and energetically ....she welcomes me into her heart and my time with her yesterday was exactly what I needed ...thank you so know who you are....I love you and I value your gifts...her openness with my decisions and my desire to live life in every moment is supported and cherished by her....once again ...thank you!!!

Getting ready to embrace yet another to you on this beautiful day!!!

To be a warrior is to experience life on our own two feet, without the companionship of habitual patterns.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

not the news I want to share...

Yesterday I experienced every emotion possible and this morning I woke up kind of numb....all I can do is put one foot in front of the other....

The Ca-125 is now up to was at 7000 in November of last year and then it went back down to 3900 and now up again!
I have been symptomatic with GI challenges....last week vomiting and the ongoing bowel's been mysterious to me and to Dr. Bahador because I always get better....

The Plan as of yesterday...

  • Schedule MRI for more info
  • Continue current chemo until more info is known to help with a new direction
  • Keep my attitude and openness to all that comes my way
All I can think of is to teach and share and continue to be an example of  loving more deeply...please come and share in yoga and the other ongoing classes....At this moment, I feel strong and my body and mind are clear and ready to embrace every second of this precious life!!!

To the many friends who may feel left out....Please don't interpret my distance as not loving you in the way you felt when we were in contact....sometimes....often times....unless you are in my direct contact due to work or other immediate day to day needs...I may not have the energy to meet with you or even talk to you....I lose time even and especially when I think I'm going to have more time...the complications that occur are not in my control...I don't even get to see my own son and direct family...I know many of you are feeling rejected...I'm sorry ...please trust my love for you ....I now know how my friends who have had health challenges felt when I was the one feeling's not easy...whomever said "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" needs some more "esplaining" ...

I welcome your prayers....your powerful energy that is uplifting!!! I welcome your warmth and your love and I will always be sending it right back to you!!!

May we not waste one moment.... show love and compassion to each other!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today is the day to check the more important blood work...very important to plan my future treatments...discussion with Dr. Bahador tomorrow afternoon...will keep you posted....send me some extra love and courage for the next few days....have a wonderful day !!!! See you on the mat !

Time to bring out my warrior spirit!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The Dance of Gloriousness and Wretchedness

by Pema Chodron on Friday, February 11, 2011 at 4:22am

Life is glorious, but life is also wretched. It is both.

Appreciating the gloriousness inspires us, encourages us, cheers us up, gives us a bigger perspective, energizes us. We feel connected. But if that's all that's happening, we get arrogant and start to look down on others, and there is a sense of making ourselves a big deal and being really serious about it, wanting it to be like that forever. The gloriousness becomes tinged by craving and addiction.

On the other hand, wretchedness--life's painful aspect--softens us up considerably. Knowing pain is a very important ingredient of being there for another person. When you are feeling a lot of grief, you can look right into somebody's eyes because you feel you haven't got anything to lose--you're just there. The wretchedness humbles us and softens us, but if we were only wretched, we would all just go down the tubes. We'd be so depressed, discouraged, and hopeless that we wouldn't have enough energy to eat an apple.

Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. They go together.

Excerpted from "Start Where You Are"
by Pema Chödrön

article on Compassion

Compassion is known in Buddhist teaching as the quivering of the heart in response to pain or suffering. Finding the right relationship to pain, both ours and that of others, is very complex, because pain can be a tremendously powerful teacher and an opening. It can also be the cause of terrible anger and separation. We can be filled with loneliness and resentment because we’re in pain; we can feel very isolated because we’re in pain; we can feel a lot of guilt in a state of grief, blaming ourselves for something we did or something we didn’t do or something we didn’t say. We can blame ourselves for seemingly being ineffectual in a world that needs so much help.
Compassion allows us to use our own pain and the pain of others as a vehicle for connection. This is a delicate and profound path. We may be averse to seeing our own suffering because it tends to ignite a blaze of self-blame and regret. And we may be averse to seeing suffering in others because we find it unbearable or distasteful, or we find it threatening to our own happiness. All of these possible reactions to the suffering in the world make us want to turn away from life.
In contrast, compassion manifests in us as the offering of kindness rather than withdrawal. Because compassion is a state of mind that is itself open, abundant, and inclusive, it allows us to meet pain more directly. With direct seeing, we know that we are not alone in our suffering and that no one need feel alone when in pain. Seeing our oneness is the beginning of our compassion, and it allows us to reach beyond aversion and separation.
We can fool ourselves into thinking that we are feeling compassion when in fact what we are feeling is fear. Perhaps we are afraid that we could never do enough, and so we prefer to do nothing; perhaps we are afraid that our resolve will not see us through our efforts, and so we replace compassion with acquiescence. Perhaps we have slipped from compassion to hopelessness, and everything seems just way too much to deal with.
We might be afraid to take an action, we might be afraid to confront, we might be afraid to be forceful, we might be afraid to reach out. From the Buddhist perspective, lack of effort is lack of courage. But this is not an easy thing to see about oneself, so we prefer to think we’re being kind or compassionate rather than simply afraid.
We can fool ourselves into thinking we are feeling compassion and yet we might actually be feeling guilt. We might feel, if we see someone suffering while we ourselves are fairly happy or are happy in a way that this person is not, that we in some way don’t deserve our happiness. But that is not quite the same as a sense of compassion. Guilt, in Buddhist psychology, is defined as a kind of self-hatred. It is another form of anger. There are times when we understand that we have acted unskillfully, and we feel some concern and remorse. This can be important and healing. But a distinction needs to be made between such concern and guilt, which is a state of contraction, a state of endlessly going over things that we might have done or said. If we are motivated by guilt at what we feel, it will drain all of our energy; it does not give us the strength to reach out to help others. We ourselves take center stage when we are in the state of guilt.
Compassion is a practice of inclining the mind and of intention. Rather than laying a veneer of idealism on top of reality, we want to see quite nakedly all the different things that we feel and want and do for what they actually are. The mistake that most of us make at one time or another is to try to superimpose something else upon what we are feeling: “I mustn’t feel fear, I must only feel compassion. Because, after all, that is my resolve—to feel compassion.” So we might feel considerable fear or guilt, yet we are trying to deny it and assert, “I’m not fearful, because I am practicing lovingkindness and that’s all I am allowed to feel.” The stability at the heart of compassion comes from wisdom or clear seeing. We don’t have to struggle to be someone we are not, hating ourselves for our fears or our guilt.
One of the things that most nourishes true compassion is clarity—when we know what we are thinking and know what we are feeling. This clarity differentiates compassion from shallow martyrdom, when we are only thinking of others and we are never caring about ourselves. This clarity differentiates compassion from what might be thought of as a conventional kind of self-preoccupation, when we care only about ourselves and not about others. The Buddha said at one point that if we truly loved ourselves we would never harm another, because if we harm another it is in some way diminishing who we are; it is taking away from rather than adding to our lives.
It is tempting to undertake a meditation practice or path of development with the same kind of clinging motivation with which we might have undertaken anything else. Perhaps we feel empty inside, we feel bereft in some ways, we feel we are not good enough, and so we undertake spiritual practice to try to ameliorate all of that. But evolving a spiritual practice is not about having and getting; it is about being more and more compassionate toward ourselves and toward others. It is not about assuming a new self-image or manufactured persona; it is about being compassionate naturally, out of what we see, out of what we understand. Compassion is like a mirror into which we can always look. It is like a stream that steadily carries us. It is like a cleansing fire that continually transforms us. ▼
From The Kindness Handbook: A Practical Companion, © 2008 by Sharon Salzberg. Reprinted with permission of Sounds True, Inc. To listen to an interview with Sharon Salzberg about her latest book, click here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

feeling much better...

I woke up this morning feeling much lighter and friend worked her reflexology magic again and I know it's kept me out of the hospital...ready to have a great  work day and feel the wonderful break from chemo for a week...have a great day everyone!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

back to bed

feeling last night big time... thought I could work today...moved everyone to Friday...a good day to rest and recover...tomorrow will be a better day...unless I post or contact anyone ....I will be working tomorrow...

so...I "got a little sick but I didn't die"

As my thankful Buddha says in the previous post and as you know I re-post several times to remind me...I had a very strange afternoon yesterday...I "got a little sick but I didn't die"

I worked during the day ...ran some errands and was on my way to help a friend who has a hurt back...I was fine running errands and then as I'm driving to her house...I started feeling abdominal discomfort and nausea...Fast and Furious....I thought ...I could lie down on her sofa and rest ...waiting for her to get there...and as I waited ...I got worse and worse....I knew I had to get home...I started driving home and felt like vomiting so I pulled over and vomited and then Coyotes were staring me down so I got back in the car and called my friends whom I was supposed to meet and they came to my house to find me vomiting and cramping and preparing to go to the hospital for another bowel friend is really good at Reflexology ...between the relief from vomiting and the talented work on my feet...I was able to stay home...I'm going for a walk this morning to try to shift fluids in my body and to increase circulation...I don't know if I had a bout of food poisoning or ???? It doesn't feel like a bowel obstruction....not sure....I'm preparing to improve each hour and enjoy my work day....this is a bizzare event...sending love to everyone...will always keep in touch...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

starting to move again

WHEW....another round of chemo little break...I welcome this break...feeling tired but moving around is a wee bit easier this I go into my 8th cycle next time...I feel so fortunate to be here experiencing all that is happening...have a great day my friends!

Friday, February 4, 2011

chemo round seven number 3

Today completes round seven and then I get a small one week full break...feeling the love...feeling the Ellen would say..."right back at ya"

JO'S CORNER: 02.02.2011 Riker Needs a Family

JO'S CORNER: 02.02.2011 Riker Needs a Family: "Could this handsome boy be your son? This is 13-year-old Riker. He was adopted from Ukraine in 2003 by a family living in Illinois. Riker'..."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

what we can do about non-GMO

Please read article above...copy and matters!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

an interested friend , student...being

Hi Summer,

I've been so interested in all of the information you've been conveying and forwarding it along to people I know.  Here below is a copy of an email 
I received but didn't know how to forward to your server.

This program in the NYC area strikes me as so meaningful, and I wonder if there are any similar programs in the San Diego area.  
Seems a good place to start.

Sending love,

Check it out.  See below and attached.


Charles M. Yurgalevitch, Ph.D.
Director, School of Professional Horticulture
The New York Botanical Garden
718.817.8797 tel
718.817.8893 fax

The School of Professional Horticulture is a
nationally accredited, Title IV participatory school.

From: Dan Lohaus [
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 4:29 PM
To: Yurgalevitch, Charles
Subject: Urban Agriculture at Services for the UnderServed

Hi Charles,

It was great speaking with you about our Urban Agriculture program here at SUS.  As I mentioned, SUS ( helps individuals with developmental disabilities, those with histories of mental illness and homelessness, and people living with HIV/AIDS to live more independently. SUS helps approximately 4,000 New Yorkers each year and has 20+ supportive housing facilities across the city. We started our Urban Ag program this past summer by creating small gardens at three of those facilities in Brooklyn and we were really inspired by the effect it had on our “consumers” (clients). I’m attaching a newsletter which has a little article about it.

We are looking to expand the program this spring to at least five or six additional SUS locations in Brooklyn, where we hope to build raised-bed gardens and have our consumers grow organic produce to feed themselves and to share with other SUS kitchens and programs. I’ll be able to send you a more detailed proposal next week but for the time being, below is a list of sites where we are planning on doing this:

Smaller Gardens (100-500 sq ft)
The Knickerbocker Residence for Homeless Veterans:   832 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn 11207
Hicks DayHab (Developmental Disabilities) 475 Hicks St, Brooklyn 11231
Mother Gaston Residence: 85 Mother Gaston BLVD Brooklyn, 11233
Montrose Residence: 17-19 Montrose Ave; Brooklyn,  11206
Brooklyn Clubhouse: 1125 Fulton Street; Brooklyn, 11238  
Valentine Residence (Developmental Disabilities): 2886 – 2894 Valentine Ave ; The Bronx (!) 10458

Larger Gardens (1000 + sq ft)
Marcy Hart: 614 Marcy Ave; Brooklyn 11206
Dewitt:  373 Dewitt Ave; Brooklyn 11207
Chester: 421 Chester Street; Brooklyn 11212

Thanks so much for passing this along to your students – one of the biggest lessons we learned last year was that we really need some expert help. Although we had some great local community gardeners lend a hand and advice here and there, we are really looking to hire a horticulturalist from the start and on a more full-time basis. I’m really hoping we might be able to work together with one or more of your students.

I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

All the Best,


Dan Lohaus
Director – Green Initiatives
Services for the UnderServed
305 Seventh Ave, 10th FL
New York, NY 10001
(917) 992-0615

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

some new info regarding the feedback from whole foods and others

The great news about the passionate response to what is happening with our choices or when we are not given our voice has stirred some much needed passion about how we live our lives...the consequences we are willing to live with if simply by innocent can we know everything about everything?????????????????? We can't. But...we can help one another stay informed and start to question some decisions that are made right under our noses!!!

I don't know how I will eventually make a stand as to boycotting certain businesses...I think as we become more passionate...the businesses involved will disclose their positions so we can all make informed choices!!!

To be fair to the previous posts...this article includes comments about Whole Foods and more! Please read all of the article and for sure scroll down to the bottom and read from the blog  from this's very important that we all care and research GMO  and non - GMO and support the  companies who are sticking to organic .... understanding what foods must be eaten organic and stay informed as to where our food is coming from!!!

copy and paste

Thank you for caring,


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