Friday, July 31, 2009

last chemo complete

WOW...what a day...

as I embraced my last chemo of one of the most powerful treatments for Ovarian friend's life was celebrated...Beth Wilcox...she lived with Ovarian Cancer for 10 many wonderful things to share about her and others who have passed...brave and courageous women who have been touched at the deepest level of pain and suffering and like the lotus flower who is nurtured by thick oozing mud ...a beauty so powerful emerges and life can begin...even in death...the ultimate transition!

Life hands us twists and turns and the map to our preconceived destination is kind of like map doesn't always take you on the most direct route...or doesn't it take you there at all...

I guess that's the beauty of life...the mystery keeps us on our toes and adaptable to any's how strong we can open can we be to the changes and the surprises?

Today the twists and turns have brought a unique motion sickness that has lingered for quite some time...and yet in between...the space in between...something beautiful as I continue to truly live with Pema Chodron continues to remind me that I can be "Comfortable with Uncertainty" transition into a healed body and mind can allow me to truly begin to live again...with renewed appreciation for each moment...for each moment...for each moment...without expectations or waiting or hoping for more than what is...with any discomfort...

I have friends who are living with cancer or other diseases and they are living life fully and powerfully...with new experiences...we have a chance to live with the wisdom that only comes from difficulties...we can armor ourselves with love or we can use that coat of armor to protect us from life and never really live...we just have to wait for that sound inside that can free's all useful.

Isn't that all any of us really are looking for?

May the sun shine brightly on you and may the darkness feel just as meaningful...

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