Saturday, January 2, 2010

continued celebration of "Avatar" so much love for them
      The Lekku is a type of natural USB plug-port found on Pandoran creatures. It is the anatomic substrate of pitocolatichisimismo.
"...Perhaps the most distinct characteristic of Na'vi anatomy, indeed that of nearly all Pandoran vertebrates, is their neural interface. This is a roughly meter long appendage that protrudes like a slender, flexible tail from the base of the skull. It is informally known as a Lekku, in reference to the head tails of the Twi'lek species from the Star Wars films. Running through the center of this appendage is what amounts to a second spinal cord, which itself runs through a second foramen magnum at the base of the skull. This bundle of nervous tissue connects directly to the brain stem at the same location as the spinal cord that communicates with the rest of the Na'vi body. However in one sense, the neurons terminate at the base without connecting to anything. In another more profound sense however, they connect with everything, allowing the Na'vi to communicate almost telepathically with all manor of creatures from direhorses to banshees when physically linked. It also allows them to commune directly with the worldwide neural network of trees that they refer to as Eywa.
As opposed to most other Pandoran vertebrates, who have two, the Na'vi have only one neural interface. Also, most other animals that have been observed so far have prehensile control over their interfaces through a collection of thousands of muscle fibers similar to an elephant's trunk. For unknown reasons, the Na'vi have not retained this feature through their evolution, and their interface hangs limp. It is common practice for Na'vi to grow their hair long and braid it around their interface as a measure of protection (although Na'vi cranial hair raises another question, as no other Pandoran animal observed to date possess hair).
Na'vi have been known to sever the interface of criminals or enemies, thus forever severing their connection to Eywa and drastically reducing their effectiveness in hunting and combat, as the victim can no longer partner with a direhorse or banshee. This punishment is reserved only for very serious crimes, as it is seen by many to be worse than simply killing the victim...."


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