Tuesday, April 12, 2011

still in hospital

wow...not sure what to share...have had good days, thought I was going home on sunday...then several set backs after trying to eat and drink...recent cat scan shows bowel obstruction higher up ...stomach to small intestine...had an endoscopy this morning...waiting on possible surgery...waiting to start new chemo asap...waiting with patience...my care here is the finest I have ever had anywhere...amazing...if I have to be in a hospital...this is the place...obviously, I won't be working this week...all blend classes cancelled until I send out an email that I'm back...both yoga classes have wonderful subs for thurs and mon nights...
thank you for sending extra special love and healing energy,


  1. always sending you loving healing energy!!!!!
    you are always in my heart--

  2. Sending continuous LIGHT and picturing you in perfect health! Let me know if you'd enjoy a visit! Love, Jack



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