Saturday, October 30, 2010

still in hospital

still running tests to check my bowel's moving slowly with regards to not being in danger...the pain is now mild without meds so that is blood levels as a result of the 3 full cycles of chemo are dropping ...white and red counts are extremely low and I may need a transfusion...I also may need surgery if my bowel doesn't respond soon...hopefully everything will correct on it's own and I will be home soon..if I can eat without pain...I can go home...maybe sunday afternoon if all goes well...if not...I'll know soon...I feel great...I'm walking the halls like an athlete and I have a great room with an amazing all in good...just flowing with what is...much love to everyone and see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and sending you love and healing and free-flowing-bowel thoughts!



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