Thursday, June 10, 2010

home ...organizing

Wow...I can't believe it's already Thursday and I'm barely organized in my home care...unbelievable amount of preparation and son and his Dad came up yesterday and helped me assemble some home care devices and what we thought would take a couple of hours became a full time job...and this was done by a oh my...what a day...I'm so grateful for everyone's help...if my husband and I were to have done would have been many days before completion...only a few more things to tweak and I'm off and running...

So much to do....and do and do and do and still do...ongoing new lifestyle commitment...learning to adapt...another week and I'll be a pro...still looking for a volunteer nurse or experienced shot giver to help me on Saturday...some of you have offered...due to the length of the needle and my lack of buttocks body fat....I really would love an experienced person at least the first time on my own...Saturday afternoon is shot time...anyone???? please!!!!

Off to run errands and go to Dr. and Dentist appts and then back for treatments...sending much love...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find someone to give you shots! I didn't have much fat at all when I had to have Fragmin shots in my belly... We had to just inject into the skin and hope there was some fat there. I won't lie, it f'ing hurt when the stuff went in. But it only lasts a few seconds. Good luck! I love you and am with you in spirit for every single one of those shots. Don't forget - D and I leave next Saturday, in a week, and won't be back till July 1. Call me if you can and I hope we can get together!



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