Thursday, April 8, 2010

Time for Healing

Dear Friends,

Most of you know, I'm facing a health challenge. The original ovarian cancer from the diagnosis in 2006, has recurred a third time. I have embraced conventional treatments that have included numerous surgeries and chemo-therapies. At this time, it looks like this approach is not the most useful course of treatment. Throughout my entire life, I have always been open to what ever method of medicine would be the most beneficial. I have and will continue to receive care from alternative Doctor's...i.e...acupuncture..
.holistic Dr's ...healers of many more! Within the western model I was lucky enough to also be able to integrate these modalities for healing. I will also continue my incredible relationship with my oncologist. Most of you know how much I love and appreciate him!

To continue with the same type of treatment is not beneficial at this time. I have been blessed with so many friends and family sending information and ideas for additional ways to treat my current situation. One can only imagine all of the wonderful and not so wonderful alternative medicine out there. I have had a very difficult time making any decisions at all.

 After digesting the many alternative options...There is a place I would like to go to ...I must raise the money first...the cost is approximately $35,000.000 dollars...I would need even more to cover current medical bills and loss of work. The goal is to raise $50,000.000. I know it can be done ...I know it will come. There are three fundraisers in different areas being planned. I don't have the details yet. I will keep in touch with the information as soon as I know.

Another method of pausing the cancer cell growth is by decreasing calories and optimizing nutrition. There is incredible research showing great results. Three weeks ago, I started a 100 % organic veggie juice ( fast) with now some warm soup (all veggies) and I feel great. By taking an extra step while money is being raised...I can do some research on my own and continue to heal by this method. With the wonderful help of holistic Dr's ..I'm also on a supplement regimen that also feels right at this time.

The decision to take the extra step will include going to Optimum Health Institute for 3 weeks and more recovery at home for an additional week. I will be off of work for one month starting this Sunday April 11- May 2 and will return to work, Monday May 10. This facility is local...Lemon Grove, San Diego. This way I can also be close to my Dr. and have access to lab work and care outside of this faciltity should I need additional support...including alternative medical support.

After the three week protocol I'll get more blood work to show the results of this current method .I'll know how to continue or that I must go to the hospital in Mexico called
"Oasis of Hope". I feel like an in between step is what I need. There are also other alternative options that I resonate with...all of them with a similar financial investment. I will be staying open minded to the additional options for treatment should I discover something more useful along the way!

I will meet with my private clients one on one to discuss our schedules.
Class schedule:

All Blend classes are paused until Tuesday May 11...

Soul of Yoga Thursday nights at 5:30 pm will be taught by one of the other wonderful teachers while I'm out...I'll be back to Thursday nights on May13.

Yoga Vista Monday nights at 6:00 pm will continue with other great teachers as well. I will return on May 10.

While I'm gone I'll communicate updates through my blog

Thank you for your love and support. This is a time to embrace life in a way that truly moves us in a direction of love and compassion. I'm stepping into the powerful light and love that is healing... I feel happy and blessed for the life I've been given. I will continue to grow and learn and share. I'm very grateful for the wonderful energy surrounding me ...there isn't a moment that I take for granted anything. Please step into this healing light with me and may we all benefit!

I'll have my computer with me and will be able to receive emails and the various ways we communicate. Due to my need to focus on healing...I will limit my communication.

I love you...I'll see you soon!


  1. We'll miss you at YV! Be thinking of you, and wish you the best in your endeavors! - Laura Soeten

  2. I am with you in spirit, Summer! Sounds like a plan for healing if I ever heard one. May all blessings be upon you.



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